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Frontiers of Earth Science

ISSN 2095-0195

ISSN 2095-0209(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.205

Front. Earth Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (2) : 446-459
Astronomical forcing and sedimentary noise modeling of lake-level changes in the Middle Eocene Chezhen Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China
Xuwei LUAN1, Jinliang ZHANG1(), Na LI1, Tao CHEN1, Long SUN2, Xuecai ZHANG3
1. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2. College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
3. Management Center of Oil and Gas Exploration, Sinopec Shengli Oilfield, Dongying 257000, China
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The accurate determination of geological age is a key to understanding the history and process of paleolake evolution and oil and gas exploration in continental lake basin. However, improving the accuracy of geological age has always been a difficult scientific problem. A 609-m-thick, continuous lacustrine mudstone and sandstone succession in Chezhen Sag (eastern China) provides an ideal middle Eocene sedimentary record for establishing a high-resolution stratigraphic chronology framework. Based on spectrum analysis and sliding window spectrum analysis of the natural gamma (GR) logging data of well Che 271 (C271) in Chezhen Sag, the periods of 405 kyr and 40.1 kyr were filtered by a Gaussian bandpass filter, and a “floating” astrochronological time scale (ATS) was established. The total number of 405 kyr eccentricity cycles were 13.6 and 40.1 kyr obliquity cycles were 138 which recorded from the upper member 4 (Es4U) to the member 3 (Es3) of the Eocene Shahejie Formation, and the depositional duration was 5.53 Myr. Correlation Coefficient (COCO) analysis and evolutionary Correlation Coefficient (eCoCo) analysis found that the optimal sedimentary rate of different strata. Sedimentary noise simulation revealed the history of paleolake water changes in the Middle Eocene in the Chezhen Sag, according to which four sequences are divided. The study shows that the lake level change of Chezhen Sag in the middle Eocene shows prominent 1.2 Myr cycles and an antiphase well-coupled relationship with obliquity modulation. Finally, we propose a model to explain the relationship between the orbital cycle and lake level change in the continental lake basin. When the obliquity of the earth increases, the middle and high latitudes of the earth will be closer to the sun, the direct sunlight will be higher, and the meridional sunshine will increase, thus accelerating the evaporation process of lake basin water. When the seasonal changes are obvious (maximum period of 1.2 Myr ultra-long obliquity), this effect is more significant. The relative lake level change based on the restoration of high-precision ATS has significant scientific and economic value for understanding the vertical evolution of continental stratigraphic sequences and the formation and distribution of oil and gas resources.

Keywords Chezhen Sag      cyclostratigraphy      astrochronological time scale      sedimentary noise     
Corresponding Author(s): Jinliang ZHANG   
Online First Date: 05 June 2024    Issue Date: 19 July 2024
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Xuwei LUAN,Jinliang ZHANG,Na LI, et al. Astronomical forcing and sedimentary noise modeling of lake-level changes in the Middle Eocene Chezhen Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China[J]. Front. Earth Sci., 2024, 18(2): 446-459.
Fig.1  Geological setting of the Chezhen Sag, eastern China. (a) Location of the Chezhen Sag in the Bohai Bay Basin; (b) Structural features and sampling well location of the Chezhen Sag.
Fig.2  The Paleogene age framework of the Chezhen Sag. (a?g) The history of tectonic evolution in the north–south direction of the Chexi Sub-Sag. (h) ICC, International Chronostratigraphic Chart, 2022. (i) Volcanic Rock Age (VRA) in Bohai Bay Basin (Yao et al., 1994). (j) Magnetic Age (MA) in Jiyang Depression (Shi et al., 2019).
Fig.3  Theoretical astronomical cycle solution. (a) The solution of La2010d. (b) MTM spectrum analysis. (c) Sliding window spectrum analysis.
Fig.4  Cyclic stratigraphic analysis of C271 in the Chezhen Sag. (a) GR series from 2291 m to 2900 m (b) Detrended GR series. The red line is the long-term trends of the GR series. (c) Sliding window spectrum analysis of the GR series. (d) MTM spectrum analysis of the GR series. (e) MTM spectrum analysis of the Unit1 GR series from 2677.5 m to 2900 m. (f) MTM spectrum analysis of the Unit2 GR series from 2465 m to 2677.5 m. (g) MTM spectrum analysis of the Unit3 GR series from 2291 m to 2465 m.
Fig.5  COCO analysis of C271 in the Chezhen Sag. (a?c) Correlation coefficient analysis, H0 significance level analysis, and number of contributing astronomical parameters analysis of the Unit1 GR series, which from 2677.5 m to 2900 m. (d?f) Correlation coefficient analysis, H0 significance level analysis, and number of contributing astronomical parameters analysis of the Unit2 GR series from 2465 m to 2677.5 m. (g?i) Correlation coefficient analysis, H0 significance level analysis, and number of contributing astronomical parameters analysis of the Unit3 GR series, which from 2291 m to 2465 m.
Fig.6  eCOCO analysis of C271 in Chezhen Sag. (a) eCOCO sedimentation rate of the GR series. (b) eH0SL sedimentation rate of the GR series. (c) Number of contributing astronomical parameters sedimentation rate of the GR series.
Fig.7  Astronomical time scale (ATS) for the middle Eocene succession of C271 in the Chezhen Sag. (a) Untuned GR series of C271 (2291–2900 m). (b) 405 kyr filtered Untuned GR series in the depth domain. (c) 40.1 kyr filtered Untuned GR series in the depth domain. (d) 405 kyr filtered eccentricity curve of the La2010 solution. (e) Tuned GR series of C271 (37.34?42.87 Ma). (f) 405 kyr filtered tuned GR series in the time domain. (g) 40.1 kyr filtered tuned GR series in the time domain.
Fig.8  Sedimentary noise model interpretation of lake-level variations in C271. (a) Untuned GR series (blue) of C271(2291–2900 m) with 405 kyr filtered output (red). (b) ρ1 model of Untuned GR series. (c) eCOCO analysis (from Fig. 6) with the sedimentary rate (black). (d) Tuned GR series (blue) of C271 (37.34–42.87 Ma) with 405 kyr filtered output (red). (e) 1.2 Myr filtered tuned GR series. (f) Earth’s obliquity solution (black, Laskar et al., 2011) and its 1.2 Myr-AM cycles (red). (g, h) ρ1 and DYNOT models of the tuned GR series. (i) Lake level fluctuations of the 3rd Member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation, Chezhen Sag, Bohai Bay Basin (Sun et al., 2022). (j) Chezhen Sag sequences from lake level change.
Fig.9  Astronomical time scales (ATS) of the Jiyang Depression. (a) ICC, International Chronostratigraphic Chart, 2022. (b) ATS of Dongying Sag was established by well Shengke-1 (Liu et al., 2018). (c) ATS of Zhanhua Sag was established by well Luo-69 (Liu et al., 2018). (d, e) ATS of Dongying Sag was established by well Fanye-1 (Shi et al., 2019; Jin et al., 2022). (f) ATS of Chezhen Sag was established by well Che-271 (This study).
Fig.10  Astronomically forced paleolake level variations in the Middle Eocene Chezhen Sag. (a) High obliquity forced paleolake level variations. (b) Low obliquity forced paleolake level variations.
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[1] Long SUN, Jinliang ZHANG, Yang LI, Xue YAN, Xuecai ZHANG. Paleosalinity and lake level fluctuations of the 3rd Member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation, Chezhen Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Front. Earth Sci., 2022, 16(4): 949-962.
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