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Frontiers of Forestry in China

ISSN 1673-3517

ISSN 1673-3630(Online)

CN 11-5728/S

Front. For. China    2007, Vol. 2 Issue (1) : 94-98
Selection, propagation and cultivation of Pinus massoniana clones for pulp use
JI Kongshu1, GONG Jia1, WANG Zhangrong1, QIU Jinqing2, CHEN Yabin3, LIN Wenjiang3
1.The Key Laboratory of Forest Genetics & Gene Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2.Forest Seed & Seedling General Station of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003, China; 3.Wuyi Forest Farm, Zhangping, Fujian Province, Zhangping 364400, China
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Abstract Based on the growth, wood property of the ortets, and rooting abilities of cuttings, 32 Pinus massoniana clones for pulp use were selected from forests of superior provenance, mixed families, and progeny test of seed orchard by two-step selection. The average height and DBH growth of three-year-old clones were 28.6% and 16.7%, respectively, higher than those from seedlings, and average gain of wood density reached 8.7%. Rooting rate of all these clones was over 80%, 28% higher than the clones selected by a single step. A cutting orchard of 0.33 hm2 on the hillside was constructed to intensively produce cuttings according to the tests on construction methods, pruning, and fertilization. A total of 50,000 grade!`, 37,500 grade !a, and 62,500 grade !b cuttings were collected per hectare of this cutting orchard each time, and were cut three times each year. With all the above techniques, 48 hm2 of clonal forests for pulp use of those clones had been planted in five places in Fujian Province. Container stecklings are more likely to increase the planting survival rate.
Issue Date: 05 March 2007
 Cite this article:   
JI Kongshu,GONG Jia,WANG Zhangrong, et al. Selection, propagation and cultivation of Pinus massoniana clones for pulp use[J]. Front. For. China, 2007, 2(1): 94-98.
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