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Frontiers of History in China

ISSN 1673-3401

ISSN 1673-3525(Online)

CN 11-5740/K

Postal Subscription Code 80-980

Front. Hist. China    2006, Vol. 1 Issue (4) : 590-610
Conflicting viewpoints on opium prohibition: Radical changes to opium policy in the late Qing dynasty
Liu Zenghe
Department of History, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China
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Abstract The ban on opium at the end of the Qing dynasty was larger and more influential than ever before. Opinions differed on opium prohibition between the court and society. The intelligentsia and government believed in a set of policies, while opium farmers and traders resisted them. Subsequent conflicts became more and more intense, especially when opium farmers began protesting the ban on planting opium. The reactions of officials and commoners towards this backlash against the opium ban were very complex. The rehabilitation plans and measures following the backlash proved ineffective, leaving a confused situation out of control.
Issue Date: 05 December 2006
 Cite this article:   
Liu Zenghe. Conflicting viewpoints on opium prohibition: Radical changes to opium policy in the late Qing dynasty[J]. Front. Hist. China, 2006, 1(4): 590-610.
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