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Frontiers of History in China

ISSN 1673-3401

ISSN 1673-3525(Online)

CN 11-5740/K

Postal Subscription Code 80-980

Front. Hist. China    2007, Vol. 2 Issue (1) : 101-97
From Racecourse to People’s Park and People’s Square: The historical changes and the symbolic meaning
XIONG Yuezhi
The Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai 200235, China
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Abstract Shanghai Racecourse was established at 1850, it was finally transformed into People’s Park and People’s Square in 1951. The Racecourse was originally just a simple recreational center. However, with the change of its own function and the trend of thought, it changed into a casino of cheating and murder, a place of discrimination against Chinese, a stage for the imperialists to show off their power and violence and a symbol of all evil things. The appeal to change the Racecourse echoed to the demand of opposing imperialism, taking back the concession, desire for civilization and democracy. From 1930s to 1950s, even though great change took place in the ruling party and the political power, there was an obvious continuity in the domain of thought and ideology.
Issue Date: 05 March 2007
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XIONG Yuezhi. From Racecourse to People’s Park and People’s Square: The historical changes and the symbolic meaning[J]. Front. Hist. China, 2007, 2(1): 101-97.
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