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Frontiers of History in China

ISSN 1673-3401

ISSN 1673-3525(Online)

CN 11-5740/K

Postal Subscription Code 80-980

Front. Hist. China    2024, Vol. 19 Issue (3) : 312-332
The Imperial Tea Culture of the Song Dynasty
LIU Litang1, LI Minrui2, FAN Yuling3
1. Tea Culture Resesarch Center, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430064, China
2. Tea Culture Resesarch Center, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430064, China
3. School of History, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430064, China
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The Song Dynasty was an era of introspection, with a tendency for refinement and thriving civilian culture. At the same time, its culture was relatively closed and introverted, and elegant. Under such a background, the tea culture of the Song Dynasty was gentle, soft, and clear. During this period, the tea ceremony focused on simplicity and valued aspirations. Due to the increasing demand for high-quality tea from the ruling class, the tribute tea system gradually improved, and the tea-whisking method became popular with a focus on cleanliness, simplicity, and elegance. Besides, the use of tea utensils was also quite meticulous. Tea held a unique position in politics, diplomacy, daily life, and etiquette at the Song imperial palace. Additionally, tea was also endowed with many spiritual connotations, permeating into the cultural entertainment life of emperors and officials in the imperial palace, thus giving birth to many elegant tea-drinking techniques and cultural masterpieces. The Song imperial tea culture led the new trend of the times in the promoting and popularizing of tea-drinking customs among the people.

Keywords the Song Dynasty      imperial palace      tea culture     
Issue Date: 24 September 2024
 Cite this article:   
LIU Litang,LI Minrui,FAN Yuling. The Imperial Tea Culture of the Song Dynasty[J]. Front. Hist. China, 2024, 19(3): 312-332.
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