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Frontiers of Law in China

ISSN 1673-3428

ISSN 1673-3541(Online)

CN 11-5742/D

Postal Subscription Code 80-981

Front. Law China    2007, Vol. 2 Issue (3) : 464-491
Understanding the cases of dilemma of administrative enforcement in China
WANG Xixin
Law School, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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Abstract Due to lack of effective, and adequate communication on the standpoint of the government and the attitudes of civil society in legislative process, this has led to tension between the government and the general public. Within the context of law enforcement, the government sticks to problem-based strategies  and campaign-based enforcement , who believe in the power of coercive force. As a way out of the dilemma in law enforcement, it is required that in the process of rule-making, the government should communicate effectively with the civil society in the institutionalized system, focusing on learning, reflection, and strategic adjustment.
Issue Date: 05 September 2007
 Cite this article:   
WANG Xixin. Understanding the cases of dilemma of administrative enforcement in China[J]. Front. Law China, 2007, 2(3): 464-491.
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