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Frontiers of Law in China

ISSN 1673-3428

ISSN 1673-3541(Online)

CN 11-5742/D

Postal Subscription Code 80-981

Front. Law China    2008, Vol. 3 Issue (1) : 15-34
Interactions between China’s peaceful development and international law
ZENG Lingliang
Law School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;
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Abstract A peaceful and harmonious world is an important social basis for China’s peaceful development, and international law lays a legal foundation and guarantee for building such a world. In the “village of globe” with co-existence and economic globalization, international law provides China a peaceful development with legal certainty in external environment of peace and security, fair and equal international competitive order, and international cooperation; and on the other hand, it puts on an increasing legal restraint on the internal and external strategies of China’s peaceful development. At the same time, the peaceful development of China deems to make a great contribution to the world, which are the main subject of international law in peace and development, as well as to human rights, rule of law and democracy, which are the universal values pursued by international law.
Issue Date: 05 March 2008
 Cite this article:   
ZENG Lingliang. Interactions between China’s peaceful development and international law[J]. Front. Law China, 2008, 3(1): 15-34.
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