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Frontiers of Law in China

ISSN 1673-3428

ISSN 1673-3541(Online)

CN 11-5742/D

Postal Subscription Code 80-981

Front. Law China    2008, Vol. 3 Issue (2) : 220-255
The structure of crimes in China not to be restructured
LI Hong
Law School of Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China ;
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Abstract It becomes a tendency to introduce the German and Japanese theory in the structure of crime to restructure that of China. However, Chinese structure of crime is not that poor as criticized?while that of Germany and Japan applauded by reformist also has disadvantages, such as the confliction inside the system, the deviation of actuality and original intention and the only systematic notion, etc. The issues of Chinese structure of crime, e.g. the relationship of the constituents is not clear and the concept of crime deduced from the structure of crime is too simple, can be solved by carrying through the object-preferred step-up notion and setting up the concept of crime with various meanings. Thus, the current structure of crime does not have to be restructured.
Issue Date: 05 June 2008
 Cite this article:   
LI Hong. The structure of crimes in China not to be restructured[J]. Front. Law China, 2008, 3(2): 220-255.
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