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Frontiers of Law in China

ISSN 1673-3428

ISSN 1673-3541(Online)

CN 11-5742/D

Postal Subscription Code 80-981

Front Law Chin    2012, Vol. 7 Issue (3) : 377-401
Application of private international law conventions in hong kong of china
Meirong Zhang()
Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
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The conflict of laws of Hong Kong has predominately preserved traditional common law rules of pre-England conflict of laws. It is considered as the legal basis of the harmonization of law conflicts between different legal units, which mainly include three parts: jurisdiction, choice of law, judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters. As far as the legal source of the conflict of laws of Hong Kong is concerned, convention is an important part of international law sources. Currently, there are ten special conventions related to private international law, one of which is the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, and the other nine are the conventions consulted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (“HCCH”), including the Statute of the Hague Conference. Also, there exist non-special conventions relating to private international law, which play an important role in Hong Kong. These conventions have brought tremendous benefits to Hong Kong. More attention needs to be paid to the conventions of private international law to assist Hong Kong in cooperation with other more jurisdictions.

Corresponding Author(s): Meirong Zhang,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2012
 Cite this article:   
Meirong Zhang. Application of private international law conventions in hong kong of china[J]. Front Law Chin, 2012, 7(3): 377-401.
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