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Frontiers of Law in China

ISSN 1673-3428

ISSN 1673-3541(Online)

CN 11-5742/D

Postal Subscription Code 80-981

Front Law Chin    2012, Vol. 7 Issue (3) : 425-453
Natural justice and its political implications: legal philosophy revealed in the doctrine of the mean
Chun Shan()
Faculty of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China
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The Doctrine of the Mean is one of the major Confucian classics focusing on natural justice and its political implications via cosmic dynamics and its harmonious eternity. The rule of the saints modeling themselves after the heaven’s virtue is advocated as the so-called rule of man, or the rule of virtue, in which natural harmony in the cosmos is believed to be the manifestation of eternal and universal justice. Both the editors of The Doctrine of the Mean in pre-Qin dynasty and its commentators in the Tang dynasty have availed themselves in repudiating the legalist utilitarianism abused in the despotic Qin dynasty and empty-world thoughts of Buddhism prevalent in the Tang dynasty by virtue of natural justice and cosmic fairness in heaven-mandated- nature theory. Their academic endeavors are directed at consolidating cosmological faith and moral fairness for Confucian political ideology in self-disciplining, family establishing, country ruling, and world harmonizing.

Corresponding Author(s): Chun Shan,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2012
 Cite this article:   
Chun Shan. Natural justice and its political implications: legal philosophy revealed in the doctrine of the mean[J]. Front Law Chin, 2012, 7(3): 425-453.
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