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Frontiers of Literary Studies in China

ISSN 1673-7318

ISSN 1673-7423(Online)

CN 11-5745/I

Postal Subscription Code 80-982

Front. Lit. Stud. China    2007, Vol. 1 Issue (1) : 125-134
The price of novels in the late Qing Dynasty
CHEN Dakang
College of Humanities, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
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Abstract The introduction of advanced printing technology from the West and the fiction revolution  accelerated fiction writing and printing into the modern mode. The book markets quickly expanded and the proportion of fiction publications solidly grew, which all led to a fiercer competition for the reading market. During this transition, the price of fictional literature fluctuated and was stabilized only through the fierce competition as well as the supervision from the mass media.
Issue Date: 05 March 2007
 Cite this article:   
CHEN Dakang. The price of novels in the late Qing Dynasty[J]. Front. Lit. Stud. China, 2007, 1(1): 125-134.
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