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Frontiers of Mathematics in China

ISSN 1673-3452

ISSN 1673-3576(Online)

CN 11-5739/O1

Postal Subscription Code 80-964

2018 Impact Factor: 0.565

Front. Math. China    2008, Vol. 3 Issue (3) : 355-370
Characterization of simple -groups
SHAO Changguo, SHI Wujie, JIANG Qinhui
School of Mathematical Sciences, Suzhou University;
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Abstract In this paper, we prove that a group G is isomorphic to M, where M is a simple K4-group, if and only if the following hold: (1) ##G## = ##M##, (2) nse(G) = nse(M).
Issue Date: 05 September 2008
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SHAO Changguo,SHI Wujie,JIANG Qinhui. Characterization of simple -groups[J]. Front. Math. China, 2008, 3(3): 355-370.
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