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Frontiers of Mathematics in China

ISSN 1673-3452

ISSN 1673-3576(Online)

CN 11-5739/O1

Postal Subscription Code 80-964

2018 Impact Factor: 0.565

Front. Math. China    2018, Vol. 13 Issue (5) : 1189-1214
Hopf cyclic cohomology and Hodge theory for proper actions on complex manifolds
Chern Institute of Mathematics and LPMC, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
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We introduce two Hopf algebroids associated to a proper and holomorphic Lie group action on a complex manifold. We prove that the cyclic cohomology of each Hopf algebroid is equal to the Dolbeault cohomology of invariant differential forms. When the action is cocompact, we develop a generalized complex Hodge theory for the Dolbeault cohomology of invariant differential forms. We prove that every cyclic cohomology class of these two Hopf algebroids can be represented by a generalized harmonic form. This implies that the space of cyclic cohomology of each Hopf algebroid is finite dimensional. As an application of the techniques developed in this paper, we generalize the Serre duality and prove a Kodaira type vanishing theorem.

Keywords Cyclic cohomology      complex Hodge theory      proper action      vanishing theorem     
Corresponding Author(s): Xin ZHANG   
Issue Date: 29 October 2018
 Cite this article:   
Xin ZHANG. Hopf cyclic cohomology and Hodge theory for proper actions on complex manifolds[J]. Front. Math. China, 2018, 13(5): 1189-1214.
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