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Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN 2095-0233

ISSN 2095-0241(Online)

CN 11-5984/TH

Postal Subscription Code 80-975

2018 Impact Factor: 0.989

Front. Mech. Eng.    2015, Vol. 10 Issue (3) : 233-241
Modeling and simulation of normal and hemiparetic gait
Lely A. LUENGAS1(), Esperanza CAMARGO1, Giovanni SANCHEZ2
1. Technological Faculty, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia
2. Engineering Faculty, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia
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Gait is the collective term for the two types of bipedal locomotion, walking and running. This paper is focused on walking. The analysis of human gait is of interest to many different disciplines, including biomechanics, human-movement science, rehabilitation and medicine in general. Here we present a new model that is capable of reproducing the properties of walking, normal and pathological. The aim of this paper is to establish the biomechanical principles that underlie human walking by using Lagrange method. The constraint forces of Rayleigh dissipation function, through which to consider the effect on the tissues in the gait, are included. Depending on the value of the factor present in the Rayleigh dissipation function, both normal and pathological gait can be simulated. First of all, we apply it in the normal gait and then in the permanent hemiparetic gait. Anthropometric data of adult person are used by simulation, and it is possible to use anthropometric data for children but is necessary to consider existing table of anthropometric data. Validation of these models includes simulations of passive dynamic gait that walk on level ground. The dynamic walking approach provides a new perspective of gait analysis, focusing on the kinematics and kinetics of gait. There have been studies and simulations to show normal human gait, but few of them have focused on abnormal, especially hemiparetic gait. Quantitative comparisons of the model predictions with gait measurements show that the model can reproduce the significant characteristics of normal gait.

Keywords bipedal gait      biomechanics      dynamic walking      gait model      human gait      hemiparetic human gait     
Corresponding Author(s): Lely A. LUENGAS   
Online First Date: 12 August 2015    Issue Date: 23 September 2015
 Cite this article:   
Lely A. LUENGAS,Esperanza CAMARGO,Giovanni SANCHEZ. Modeling and simulation of normal and hemiparetic gait[J]. Front. Mech. Eng., 2015, 10(3): 233-241.
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Fig.5  Double inverted pendulum
Fig.6  Model of (a) the leg without control, where the leg is modeled as a double pendulum, and (b) servomotor for the control of the leg joint
Tab.1  Size and mass of each body segment
Fig.7  Angles of joint obtained through simulation. (a) Hip angle; (b) knee angle
Fig.8  Hip and knee angle in subject with hemiparesis in left side. (a) Hip angle; (b) knee angle
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