“Interface-element-perception” model to evaluation of urban sidewalk visual landscape in the core area of Beijing |
Yu Li, Maiqi Li, Yuejia Xu(), Jinyao Tao |
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China |
Abstract This study investigates the relationship between sidewalk space and pedestrians, as well as how the design and improvement of sidewalk visual landscapes can enhance pedestrians’ psychological restoration. Sidewalk quality in China varies, making it challenging to meet the urban residents’ expectations for sidewalk environments. In this research, psychological perception experiments were conducted on 60 sidewalks in the core functional area of Beijing. The visual landscape of the sidewalk was divided into four dimensions: canopy, ground plane, roadside plane, and building wall. In this study, a total of 52 spatial elements were extracted and evaluated based on the dimensions of fascination, being-away, coherence, and scope in relation to pedestrians’ psychological perception. The findings confirm that urban greenery and street accessibility, among other spatial elements, significantly positively influence pedestrians’ willingness to walk. Furthermore, a balanced distribution of elements within sidewalk space can better enhance pedestrians’ psychological restoration capabilities.
Sidewalk spaces
Visual landscape
Psychological perception
Environmental restoration experiment
Mental health
Corresponding Author(s):
Yuejia Xu
Issue Date: 19 November 2024
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