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Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

ISSN 2095-2430

ISSN 2095-2449(Online)

CN 10-1023/X

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.272

Front Arch Civil Eng Chin    2011, Vol. 5 Issue (2) : 151-159
Structure creation in earthen construction materials: information from dry soil mixtures
Christopher BECKETT(), Charles AUGARDE
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
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There is increasing interest in the use of earthen construction materials, such as rammed earth, due to their inherent sustainability. These materials have been used by man for thousands of years and some of the earliest examples can be found in China. Features of the structures of these materials arise from the means of production. In particular, in situ earthen construction materials exhibit strong anisotropy due to their layered nature. A more subtle structure effect arises from the way that the earth mixture is deposited. This paper reviews and discusses stratification effects in dry soil mixtures, including some original experimental work, and indicates some links between the features of the dry mixtures and earthen construction materials. Improved understanding of the physical processes in play will allow more accurate specification of these materials in the future, and hence spread their use.

Keywords rammed earth      stratification      particle size distribution      pore size distribution     
Corresponding Author(s): BECKETT Christopher,   
Issue Date: 05 June 2011
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Christopher BECKETT,Charles AUGARDE. Structure creation in earthen construction materials: information from dry soil mixtures[J]. Front Arch Civil Eng Chin, 2011, 5(2): 151-159.
Fig.1  Typical shape of a sandpile. is the repose angle of species
Fig.2  (a) Results for spontaneous stratification of a bidisperse mixture of smaller smooth grains (light) and larger rougher grains (dark); (b) results for a segregating mixture of smaller rougher (light) grains and larger, smoother grains (dark) []
Fig.3  The generalized repose angles for: (a) small, smooth particle rolling down a surface of rough particles, ; (b) rough, large particle rolling down a surface of small, smooth particles, ; (c) small, smooth particle rolling down a slope of the same species, ; (d) large, rough particle rolling down a slope of the same species, []
Fig.4  Diagrammatic process of kink formation and propagation (after Makse et al. []). (a) initial avalanche at velocity (); (b) formation of the kink; (c) profile and propagation of the kink up the sandpile (slope angle ) with kink angles , and
Fig.5  Particle grading curves for fine and coarse sand
Fig.6  Silo pouring directions
Fig.7  (a)-(d) Stratification results for PDs 1, 2, 4 and 5 respectively (all using manual pouring)
Fig.8  (a)-(b) Stratification pattern for low flow rate; (c)-(d) Stratification pattern for high flow rate
Fig.9  (a) Stratification pattern showing delineation between pouring phase; (b) diagrammatic description
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