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Quant. Biol.    2021, Vol. 9 Issue (2) : 107-121
Transcriptome-wide association studies: a view from Mendelian randomization
Huanhuan Zhu1, Xiang Zhou1,2()
1. Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
2. Center for Statistical Genetics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
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Background: Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified thousands of genetic variants that are associated with many complex traits. However, their biological mechanisms remain largely unknown. Transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) have been recently proposed as an invaluable tool for investigating the potential gene regulatory mechanisms underlying variant-trait associations. Specifically, TWAS integrate GWAS with expression mapping studies based on a common set of variants and aim to identify genes whose GReX is associated with the phenotype. Various methods have been developed for performing TWAS and/or similar integrative analysis. Each such method has a different modeling assumption and many were initially developed to answer different biological questions. Consequently, it is not straightforward to understand their modeling property from a theoretical perspective.

Results: We present a technical review on thirteen TWAS methods. Importantly, we show that these methods can all be viewed as two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis, which has been widely applied in GWASs for examining the causal effects of exposure on outcome. Viewing different TWAS methods from an MR perspective provides us a unique angle for understanding their benefits and pitfalls. We systematically introduce the MR analysis framework, explain how features of the GWAS and expression data influence the adaptation of MR for TWAS, and re-interpret the modeling assumptions made in different TWAS methods from an MR angle. We finally describe future directions for TWAS methodology development.

Conclusions: We hope that this review would serve as a useful reference for both methodologists who develop TWAS methods and practitioners who perform TWAS analysis.

Keywords transcriptome-wide association studies      genome-wide association studies      expression mapping studies     
Corresponding Author(s): Xiang Zhou   
Just Accepted Date: 13 May 2020   Online First Date: 17 June 2020    Issue Date: 13 July 2021
 Cite this article:   
Huanhuan Zhu,Xiang Zhou. Transcriptome-wide association studies: a view from Mendelian randomization[J]. Quant. Biol., 2021, 9(2): 107-121.
Data sets RNAseq Sample size Ref.
ABRP Blood (Baboons) 63 [7]
GSE19480 Lymphoblastoid cell lines 69 [8]
Braineac Ten brain regions 134 [5]
NABEC Four brain regions 150 [6]
CommonMind Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 452 [11]
GEUVADIS Lymphoblastoid cell lines 465 [3]
TCGA Prostate adenocarcinoma 483 [10]
METSIM Adipose 563 [9]
GTEx (v8) 54 tissues 838 [2]
DGN Whole blood 922 [4]
NTR Blood 1247 [12]
YFS Blood 1264 [13]
Tab.1  A summary of commonly used gene expression database with sample size over 50
Fig.1  Importance of TWAS and MR methods.
Fig.2  The Mendelian randomization framework for understanding TWAS.
Methods Design Tissue Data type Pleiotropy Model assumptions URLs
PrediXcan Two-stage Single Individual No Elastic net
S-PrediXcan Two-stage Single Summary No Elastic net
TWAS Two-stage Single Individual/Summary No BSLMM
DPR Two-stage Single Individual No DPR
TIGAR Two-stage Single Individual/Summary No DPR
CoMM Likelihood-based Single Individual No LMM
CoMM-S2 Likelihood-based Single Summary No LMM
PMR Likelihood-based Single Individual/Summary Yes LMM
UTMOST Two-stage Multiple Summary No LASSO & Ridge
MultiXcan Two-stage Multiple Individual/Summary No Elastic net
TisCoMM Likelihood-based Multiple Individual/Summary No LMM
fQTL Two-stage Multiple Summary No BVSR
FOCUS Gene-mapping Multiple genes Summary No
Tab.2  A summary of thirteen TWAS approaches examined in the present review
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