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Quantitative Biology

ISSN 2095-4689

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Quant. Biol.    2021, Vol. 9 Issue (4) : 451-462
Adaptive total variation constraint hypergraph regularized NMF for single-cell RNA-seq data analysis
Ya-Li Zhu, Xiao-Ning Zhang, Chuan-Yuan Wang, Jin-Xing Liu, Xiang-Zhen Kong()
School of Computer Science, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China
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Background: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data provides a whole new view to study disease and cell differentiation development. With the explosive increment of scRNA-seq data, effective models are demanded for mining the intrinsic biological information.

Methods: This paper proposes a novel non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) method for clustering and gene co-expression network analysis, termed Adaptive Total Variation Constraint Hypergraph Regularized NMF (ATV-HNMF). ATV-HNMF can adaptively select the different schemes to denoise the cluster or preserve the cluster boundary information between clusters based on the gradient information. Besides, ATV-HNMF incorporates hypergraph regularization, which can consider high-order relationships between cells to reserve the intrinsic structure of the space.

Results: Experiments show that the performances on clustering outperform other compared methods, and the network construction results are consistent with previous studies, which illustrate that our model is effective and useful.

Conclusion: From the clustering results, we can see that ATV-HNMF outperforms other methods, which can help us to understand the heterogeneity. We can discover many disease-related genes from the constructed network, and some are worthy of further clinical exploration.

Keywords adaptive total variation      single-cell RNA sequencing      network analysis      nonnegative matrix factorization      hypergraph     
Corresponding Author(s): Xiang-Zhen Kong   
Just Accepted Date: 21 June 2021   Online First Date: 19 July 2021    Issue Date: 01 December 2021
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Ya-Li Zhu,Xiao-Ning Zhang,Chuan-Yuan Wang, et al. Adaptive total variation constraint hypergraph regularized NMF for single-cell RNA-seq data analysis[J]. Quant. Biol., 2021, 9(4): 451-462.
Datasets The Number of genes The Number of cells Cell types Species
Islet 39851 1600 4 Homo sapiens
Lung Epithelial 34816 540 2 Homo sapiens
Darmanis 22085 420 8 Homo sapiens
Goolam 40315 124 5 Mus musculus
Treutlein 959 80 5 Mus musculus
Grover 14739 135 2 Mus musculus
Breton 20689 957 4 Homo sapiens
Tab.1  Data information about single-cell datasets
Fig.1  The impact of parameter λ on seven datasets.
Islet 0.5975 0.6008 0.601 0.5115 0.7081 0.0534 0.68 0.7093
Lung Epithelial 0.6031 0.5822 0.5757 0.6125 0.5449 0.0714 0.7137 0.7437
Darmanis 0.5225 0.4594 0.4182 0.4441 0.4445 0.2991 0.7305 0.7617
Goolam 0.5725 0.3278 0.3453 0.5202 0.5258 0.3982 0.5904 0.6593
Treutlein 0.5473 0.5727 0.6172 0.5242 0.6191 0.5114 0.5297 0.6573
Grover 0.2712 0.2712 0.2712 0.1849 0.2261 0.0946 0.2336 0.2749
Breton 0.0902 0.0396 0.0411 0.0397 0.0686 0.0442 0.0801 0.0931
Average 0.4577 0.4076 0.4099 0.4053 0.4481 0.2103 0.5082 0.5570
Tab.2  ARI results on single-cell datasets
Islet 0.3843 0.3864 0.3870 0.3174 0.5592 0.0678 0.7685 0.7247
Lung Epithelial 0.7183 0.6741 0.6617 0.7115 0.6255 0.0567 0.5977 0.6320
Darmanis 0.7043 0.6253 0.5686 0.584 0.591 0.5693 0.7765 0.795
Goolam 0.6021 0.4445 0.4654 0.5871 0.5826 0.6071 0.7279 0.7403
Treutlein 0.7346 0.7530 0.7157 0.7088 0.8196 0.6881 0.7018 0.7558
Grover 0.2197 0.2125 0.2080 0.1382 0.1717 0.0711 0.1835 0.2108
Breton 0.2370 0.1467 0.1486 0.1672 0.1771 0.2097 0.2034 0.1939
Average 0.5143 0.4632 0.4507 0.4591 0.5038 0.3242 0.5656 0.5789
Tab.3  NMI results on single-cell datasets
Fig.2  The clustering result graph of the five single-cell datasets.
Fig.3  Network construction based on human islet cells.
Fig.4  Network construction based on Lung Epithelial cells.
Islet?????????????????? Lung Epithelial????????????
Gene Annotations ???Gene ???????Annotations
HIF1A This gene encodes the alpha subunit of transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) ???SDR16C5 Diseases associated with SDR16C5 include psoriasis
TMEM14B Protein coding gene ???RPS16 Protein coding gene
SELENOT This gene encodes a seleno protein, containing a seleno cysteine (Sec) residue at the active site ???ARPP19 Among its related pathways are cell cycle, mitotic and DNA damage
ATP5MC2 Among its related pathways are respiratory electron transport, ATP synthesis by chemiosmotic coupling, and heat production by uncoupling proteins ???DAPP1 Protein coding gene
EIF6 Diseases associated with EIF6 include pyloric atresiaand shwachman-diamond syndrome 1 ???CXCL5 Diseases associated with CXCL5 include pediatric ulcerative colitis and pulmonary sarcoidosis
ATP6V1E1 This gene encodes a component of vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) ???RPL37A Among its related pathways are Viral mRNA translation and influenza viral RNA transcription and replication
MRPS24 Among its related pathways are Mitochondrial translation and organelle biogenesis and maintenance ???EEF1B2 This gene encodes a translation elongation factor
RPS19 Protein coding gene ???BANF1 Among its related pathways are cell cycle, mitotic and HIV life cycle
RPL11 Diseases associated with RPL11 include diamond-blackfan anemia 7 and diamond-blackfan anemia ???BCL2A1 This gene encodes a member of the BCL-2 protein family
RPL27 Among its related pathways are viral mRNA Translation and influenza viral RNA transcription and replication ???USP22 Protein coding gene
Tab.4  Detailed information on the top ten selected genes
Fig.5  The framework of the method ATV-HNMF.
Algorithm: ATV-HNMF
Input: X, parameter λ
Output: U? m×k, F?k× n
Construct hypergraph Laplacian matrix L?n×n
Initialize: U0, F0</m:mrow></m:math>
Update U by Eq. (12)
Update F by Eq. (13)
Until convergence
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