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Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering

ISSN 2095-7505

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Front. Agr. Sci. Eng.    2020, Vol. 7 Issue (4) : 390-400
Science and Technology Backyard model: implications for sustainable agriculture in Africa
Xiaoqiang JIAO1, Derara Sori FEYISA1, Jasper KANOMANYANGA1, Ngula David MUTTENDANGO1, Shingirai MUDARE1, Amadou NDIAYE1, Bilisuma KABETO1, Felix Dapare DAKORA2(), Fusuo ZHANG1()
1. National Academy of Agriculture Green Development, Department of Plant Nutrition, College of Resource and Environmental Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
2. Department of Chemistry, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
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Sustainable food production to feed the growing population in Africa remains a major challenge. Africa has 64% of the global arable land but produces less than 10% of its food locally due to its inherently low soil nutrient concentrations. Poor soil fertility and a lack of fertilizer use are the major constraints to increasing crop yields in Africa. On average only about 8.8 kg NPK fertilizer is applied per hectare by African smallholder farmers. There is therefore considerable potential for increasing food production through sustainable intensification of the cropping systems. The low crop yields in Africa are also partly due to limited farmer access to modern agronomic techniques, including improved crop varieties, a lack of financial resources, and the absence of mechanisms for dissemination of information to smallholders. This study analyzed the Science and Technology Backyards (STBs) model and investigated its use for the transformation of agriculture in Africa. Some key lessons for sustainable crop intensification in Africa can be found from analysis of the STB model which is well established in China. These include (1) scientist-farmer engagement to develop adaptive and innovative technology for sustainable crop production, (2) dissemination of technology by empowering smallholders, especially leading farmers, and (3) the development of an open platform for multiple resource involvement rather than relying on a single mechanism. This review evaluates the benefits of the STB model used in China for adoption to increase agricultural productivity in Africa, with a perspective on sustainable crop intensification on the continent.

Keywords sustainable agriculture      Africa      smallholder      Science and Technology Backyards     
Corresponding Author(s): Felix Dapare DAKORA,Fusuo ZHANG   
Just Accepted Date: 24 September 2020   Online First Date: 21 October 2020    Issue Date: 06 November 2020
 Cite this article:   
Xiaoqiang JIAO,Derara Sori FEYISA,Jasper KANOMANYANGA, et al. Science and Technology Backyard model: implications for sustainable agriculture in Africa[J]. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. , 2020, 7(4): 390-400.
Fig.1  Percentage of arable land (a), chemical fertilizer use per unit area (b) and grain yield (c) in Africa, China and the world from 1961 to 2018. Data was collected from FAOSTAT[1].
Component/activity Farmer field schools Village-based advisor Mother-baby trials Digital Green
Key staff Local extension workers Village retailers Farmers and scientists Extension workers
Out-reach tools Training Training and products Field trials and demonstration Videos and some training
Resource integration Extension system Small company, retailers Scientists Extension system
Service-oriention Government policy Farmer and retailer demand Farmer and scientist demand Government policy
Tab.1  Comparison of several pilot activities conducted by international experts in Africa for agricultural transformation
Fig.2  Implications of Science and Technology Backyards for sustainable agricultural intensification in Africa.
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