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Frontiers of Business Research in China

ISSN 1673-7326

ISSN 1673-7431(Online)

CN 11-5746/F

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Front. Bus. Res. China    2020, Vol. 14 Issue (2) : 121-144
Deep learning in finance and banking: A literature review and classification
Jian Huang1, Junyi Chai2(), Stella Cho3
1. Department of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China.
2. Division of Business and Management, BNU-HKBU United International College, Zhuhai, China
3. Division of Business and Management, BNU-HKBU United International College, Zhuhai, China
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Deep learning has been widely applied in computer vision, natural language processing, and audio-visual recognition. The overwhelming success of deep learning as a data processing technique has sparked the interest of the research community. Given the proliferation of Fintech in recent years, the use of deep learning in finance and banking services has become prevalent. However, a detailed survey of the applications of deep learning in finance and banking is lacking in the existing literature. This study surveys and analyzes the literature on the application of deep learning models in the key finance and banking domains to provide a systematic evaluation of the model preprocessing, input data, and model evaluation. Finally, we discuss three aspects that could affect the outcomes of financial deep learning models. This study provides academics and practitioners with insight and direction on the state-of-the-art of the application of deep learning models in finance and banking.

Keywords Literature review      Deep learning      Finance      Banking      Fintech     
Issue Date: 17 July 2020
 Cite this article:   
Jian Huang,Junyi Chai,Stella Cho. Deep learning in finance and banking: A literature review and classification[J]. Front. Bus. Res. China, 2020, 14(2): 121-144.
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