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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

Postal Subscription Code 80-970

2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front Comput Sci Chin    0, Vol. Issue () : 353-368
Green challenges to system software in data centers
Yuzhong SUN1(), Yiqiang ZHAO1, Ying SONG1, Yajun YANG1,2, Haifeng FANG1,2, Hongyong ZANG1,2, Yaqiong LI1,2, Yunwei GAO1
1. Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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With the increasing demand and the wide application of high performance commodity multi-core processors, both the quantity and scale of data centers grow dramatically and they bring heavy energy consumption. Researchers and engineers have applied much effort to reducing hardware energy consumption, but software is the true consumer of power and another key in making better use of energy. System software is critical to better energy utilization, because it is not only the manager of hardware but also the bridge and platform between applications and hardware. In this paper, we summarize some trends that can affect the efficiency of data centers. Meanwhile, we investigate the causes of software inefficiency. Based on these studies, major technical challenges and corresponding possible solutions to attain green system software in programmability, scalability, efficiency and software architecture are discussed. Finally, some of our research progress on trusted energy efficient system software is briefly introduced.

Keywords green software      multi-core      data center      power efficient system software     
Corresponding Author(s): SUN Yuzhong,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2011
 Cite this article:   
Yuzhong SUN,Yiqiang ZHAO,Ying SONG, et al. Green challenges to system software in data centers[J]. Front Comput Sci Chin, 0, (): 353-368.
Fig.1  System software’s function
Fig.2  Processor design trend (stated by max transistor integrity and peak performance) and memory (stated by bandwidth) []
End use component2000 /billion kWhTotal/%2006 /billion kWhTotal/%2000-2006 CAGR

Compound annual growth rate

Site infrastructure14.15030.75014
Network equipment1.453.0514
High-end servers1.141.525
Mid-range servers2.592.24-2
Volume servers8.02920.93417
Tab.1  Electricity use by end-use component in United States (2000 to 2006) []
Fig.3  Walls against high energy efficiency
Fig.4  Diagram of idle inefficiency and scaling inefficiency of software []
Fig.5  Brief call graph of Linux read system call
Fig.6  Key technologies of capacity computing
Fig.7  Three tiered scheduling scheme
Fig.8  Brief call graph of Linux read system call
Ref [32]CPU10sFixed28%41%
TRainbowCPU, mem1s(CPU), 5s(mem)Auto adjusted19%2%
Tab.2  TRainbow vs. Reference []
Fig.9  Workloads offered to (a) the dedicated servers are consolidated to (b) the consolidated servers
Tab.3  Calculated number of dedicated servers () and corresponding consolidated servers ()
Fig.10  Six exclusive servers consolidated to 2/3/4 shared servers
Fig.11  Eight exclusive servers consolidate to 4 shared servers
Fig.12  Overview of the architecture of TRainbow []
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