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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

Postal Subscription Code 80-970

2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front Comput Sci    2012, Vol. 6 Issue (4) : 398-408
Effectively deploying services on virtualization infrastructure
Wei GAO, Hai JIN, Song WU(), Xuanhua SHI, Jinyan YUAN
School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074, China
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Virtualization technology provides an opportunity to acieve efficient usage of computing resources. However, the management of services on virtualization infrastructure is still in the preliminary stage. Contstructing user service environments quickly and efficiently remains a challenge. This paper presents a service oriented multiple-VM deployment system (SO-MVDS) for creating and configuring virtual appliances running services on-demand. The system provides a template management model where all the virtual machines are created based on the templates with the software environment pre-prepared. To improve the deployment performance, we explore some strategies for incremental mechanisms and deployment.We also design a service deployment mechanism to dynamically and automatically deploy multiple services within virtual appliances. We evaluate both the deployment time and I/O performance using the proposed incremental mechanism. The experimental results show that the incremental mechanism outperforms the clone one.

Keywords multi-VM deployment      template      incremental mechanism      batch deployment     
Corresponding Author(s): WU Song,   
Issue Date: 01 August 2012
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Wei GAO,Hai JIN,Song WU, et al. Effectively deploying services on virtualization infrastructure[J]. Front Comput Sci, 2012, 6(4): 398-408.
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