Template-based AADL automatic code generation |
Kai HU1, Zhangbo DUAN1, Jiye WANG2, Lingchao GAO3, Lihong SHANG1( ) |
1. State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China 2. State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100031, China 3. Beijing China-Power Information Technology Co., Ltd, State Grid Information & Telecommunication Group, Beijing 100192, China |
Abstract Embedded real-time systems employ a variety of operating system platforms. Consequently, for automatic code generation, considerable redevelopment is needed when the platform changes. This results in major challenges with respect to the automatic code generation process of the architecture analysis and design language (AADL). In this paper, we propose a method of template-based automatic code generation to address this issue. Templates are used as carriers of automatic code generation rules from AADL to the object platform. These templates can be easily modified for different platforms. Automatic code generation for different platforms can be accomplished by formulating the corresponding generation rules and transformation templates. We design a set of code generation templates from AADL to the object platform and develop an automatic code generation tool. Finally, we take a typical data processing unit (DPU) system as a case study to test the tool. It is demonstrated that the autogenerated codes can be compiled and executed successfully on the object platform.
real-time system
formal methods
automatic code generation
Corresponding Author(s):
Lihong SHANG
Just Accepted Date: 28 March 2017
Online First Date: 02 April 2018
Issue Date: 29 May 2019
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