A hybrid multi-objective PSO algorithm with local search strategy for VLSI partitioning |
Wenzhong GUO,Genggeng LIU,Guolong CHEN( ),Shaojun PENG |
College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China |
Abstract Very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit partitioning is an important problem in design automation of VLSI chips and multichip systems; it is an NP-hard combinational optimization problem. In this paper, an effective hybrid multi-objective partitioning algorithm, based on discrete particle swarm optimzation (DPSO) with local search strategy, called MDPSO-LS, is presented to solve the VLSI twoway partitioning with simultaneous cutsize and circuit delay minimization. Inspired by the physics of genetic algorithm, uniform crossover and random two-point exchange operators are designed to avoid the case of generating infeasible solutions. Furthermore, the phenotype sharing function of the objective space is applied to circuit partitioning to obtain a better approximation of a true Pareto front, and the theorem of Markov chains is used to prove global convergence. To improve the ability of local exploration, Fiduccia-Matteyses (FM) strategy is also applied to further improve the cutsize of each particle, and a local search strategy for improving circuit delay objective is also designed. Experiments on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits show that the proposed algorithm is efficient.
physical design
circuit partitioning
particle swarm optimization
Corresponding Author(s):
Guolong CHEN
Issue Date: 24 June 2014
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