A novel strategy for automatic test data generation using soft computing technique |
Priyanka CHAWLA1,*( ),Inderveer CHANA1,Ajay RANA2 |
1. Computer Science and Engineering Department, Thapar University, Patiala 147004, India 2. Amity School of Engineering, Amity University, Noida 201301, India |
Abstract Software testing is one of the most crucial and analytical aspect to assure that developed software meets prescribed quality standards. Software development process invests at least 50% of the total cost in software testing process. Optimum and efficacious test data design of software is an important and challenging activity due to the nonlinear structure of software. Moreover, test case type and scope determines the quality of test data. To address this issue, software testing tools should employ intelligence based soft computing techniques like particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA) to generate smart and efficient test data automatically. This paper presents a hybrid PSO and GA based heuristic for automatic generation of test suites. In this paper, we described the design and implementation of the proposed strategy and evaluated our model by performing experiments with ten container classes from the Java standard library. We analyzed our algorithm statistically with test adequacy criterion as branch coverage. The performance adequacy criterion is taken as percentage coverage per unit time and percentage of faults detected by the generated test data. We have compared our work with the heuristic based upon GA, PSO, existing hybrid strategies based on GA and PSO and memetic algorithm. The results showed that the test case generation is efficient in our work.
software testing
particle swarm optimization
genetic algorithm
soft computing
test data generation
Corresponding Author(s):
Priyanka CHAWLA
Issue Date: 18 May 2015
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