Variable strength combinatorial testing of concurrent programs |
Xiaofang QI1,2,*( ),Jun HE3,*( ),Peng WANG1,2,*( ),Huayang ZHOU1,*( ) |
1. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China 2. Key Laboratory of Computer Network and Information Integration, Ministry of Education Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China 3. NARI Relays Electric Cooperation, Nanjing 211102, China |
Abstract Reachability testing is an important approach to testing concurrent programs. It generates and exercises synchronization sequences automatically and on-the-fly without saving any test history. Existing reachability testing can be classified into exhaustive and t-way testing. Exhaustive testing is impractical in many cases while t-way testing may decrease the capability of fault detection in some cases. In this paper, we present a variable strength reachability testing strategy, which adopts the dynamic framework of reachability testing and uses a variable strength combinatorial strategy. Different parameter groups are provided with different covering strength. Variable strength testing covers no t-way combinations but the necessary combinations of parameters having mutual interactions in a concurrent program. It is more reasonable than t-way testing because uniform interactions between parameters do not often exist in concurrent systems. We propose a merging algorithmthat implements the variable strength combinatorial testing strategy and conduct our experiment on several concurrent programs. The experimental results indicate that our variable strength reachability testing reaches a good tradeoff between the effectiveness and efficiency. It can keep the same capability of fault detection as exhaustive reachability testing while substantially reducing the number of synchronization sequences and decreasing the execution time in most cases.
software testing
variable strength combinato-rial testing
concurrency testing
reachability testing
Corresponding Author(s):
Xiaofang QI,Jun HE,Peng WANG,Huayang ZHOU
Just Accepted Date: 26 February 2016
Online First Date: 01 June 2016
Issue Date: 06 July 2016
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