1. DEKE Lab, Renmin University of China, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100872, China 2. School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China 3. EMC Labs China, Beijing 100084, China 4. School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117417, Singapore
MapReduce is a popular framework for largescale data analysis. As data access is critical forMapReduce’s performance, some recent work has applied different storage models, such as column-store or PAX-store, to MapReduce platforms. However, the data access patterns of different queries are very different. No storagemodel is able to achieve the optimal performance alone. In this paper, we study how MapReduce can benefit from the presence of two different column-store models — pure column-store and PAX-store. We propose a hybrid storage system called hybrid columnstore (HC-store). Based on the characteristics of the incoming MapReduce tasks, our storage model can determine whether to access the underlying pure column-store or PAX-store.We studied the properties of the different storage models and create a cost model to decide the data access strategy at runtime. We have implemented HC-store on top of Hadoop. Our experimental results show that HC-store is able to outperform PAX-store and column-store, especially when confronted with diverse workload.
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