Efficient identity-based threshold decryption scheme from bilinear pairings |
Wei GAO1,2,3( ), Guilin WANG4, Kefei CHEN5, Xueli WANG6 |
1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China 2. School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 3. Key Laboratory of Information Security, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China 4. Shield Lab, Singapore Research Center of Huawei, Singapore 117674, Singapore 5. Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121,China 6. School of Mathematics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China |
Abstract Using Shamir’s secret sharing scheme to indirectly share the identity-based private key in the form of a pairing group element, we propose an efficient identity-based threshold decryption scheme from pairings and prove its security in the random oracle model. This new paring-based scheme features a few improvements compared with other schemes in the literature. The two most noticeable features are its efficiency, by drastically reducing the number of pairing computations, and the ability it gives the user to share the identity-based private key without requiring any access to a private key generator. With the ability it gives the user to share the identity-based private key, our ID-based threshold decryption (IBTD) scheme, the second of its kind, is significantly more efficient than the first scheme, which was developed by Baek and Zheng, at the expense of a slightly increased ciphertext length. In fact, our IBTD scheme tries to use as few bilinear pairings as possible, especially without depending on the suite of Baek–Zheng secret sharing tools based on pairings.
identity-based cryptography
threshold cryptography
provable security
random oracle model
bilinear pairing
identity-based threshold decryption
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Just Accepted Date: 07 December 2016
Online First Date: 27 November 2017
Issue Date: 12 January 2018
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