MSVL: a typed language for temporal logic programming |
Xiaobing WANG, Cong TIAN( ), Zhenhua DUAN, Liang ZHAO |
ICTT and ISN Lab, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China |
Abstract The development of types is an important but challenging issue in temporal logic programming. In this paper, we investigate how to formalize and implement types in the temporal logic programming language MSVL, which is an executable subset of projection temporal logic (PTL). Specifically, we extendMSVL with a few groups of types including basic data types, pointer types and struct types. On each type, we specify the domain of values and define some standard operations in terms of logic functions and predicates. Then, it is feasible to formalize statements of type declaration of program variables and statements of struct definitions as logic formulas. As the implementation of the theory, we extend the MSV toolkit with the support of modeling, simulation and verification of typedMSVL programs. Applications to the construction of AVL tree and ordered list show the practicality of the language.
temporal logic programming
type declaration
struct definition
Corresponding Author(s):
Just Accepted Date: 16 November 2016
Online First Date: 07 June 2017
Issue Date: 26 September 2017
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