Optimizing partitioning strategies for faster inverted index compression |
Xingshen SONG1( ), Yuexiang YANG1, Yu JIANG1, Kun JIANG2 |
1. College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410000, China 2. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710000, China |
Abstract The inverted index is a key component for search engines to manage billions of documents and quickly respond to users’ queries.Whereas substantial effort has been devoted to reducing space occupancy and decoding speed, the encoding speed when constructing the index has been overlooked. Partitioning the index aligning to its clustered distribution can effectively minimize the compressed size while accelerating its construction procedure. In this study, we introduce compression speed as one criterion to evaluate compression techniques, and thoroughly analyze the performance of different partitioning strategies. Optimizations are also proposed to enhance state-of-the-art methods with faster compression speed and more flexibility to partition an index. Experiments show that our methods offer a much better compression speed, while retaining an excellent space occupancy and decompression speed. networks.
inverted index
index compression
optimal partition
approximation algorithm
Corresponding Author(s):
Xingshen SONG
Just Accepted Date: 30 September 2016
Online First Date: 24 January 2018
Issue Date: 08 April 2019
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