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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

Postal Subscription Code 80-970

2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (4) : 154315
Find truth in the hands of the few: acquiring specific knowledge with crowdsourcing
Tao HAN1,2, Hailong SUN1,2(), Yangqiu SONG3, Yili FANG4, Xudong LIU1,2
1. SKLSDE Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
2. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
3. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong 999077, China
4. School of Computer and Information Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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Crowdsourcing has been a helpful mechanism to leverage human intelligence to acquire useful knowledge.However, when we aggregate the crowd knowledge based on the currently developed voting algorithms, it often results in common knowledge that may not be expected. In this paper, we consider the problem of collecting specific knowledge via crowdsourcing. With the help of using external knowledge base such as WordNet, we incorporate the semantic relations between the alternative answers into a probabilisticmodel to determine which answer is more specific. We formulate the probabilistic model considering both worker’s ability and task’s difficulty from the basic assumption, and solve it by the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. To increase algorithm compatibility, we also refine our method into semi-supervised one. Experimental results show that our approach is robust with hyper-parameters and achieves better improvement thanmajority voting and other algorithms when more specific answers are expected, especially for sparse data.

Keywords crowdsourcing      knowledge acquisition      EM algorithm      label aggregation     
Corresponding Author(s): Hailong SUN   
Just Accepted Date: 07 April 2020   Issue Date: 10 October 2020
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Tao HAN,Hailong SUN,Yangqiu SONG, et al. Find truth in the hands of the few: acquiring specific knowledge with crowdsourcing[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2021, 15(4): 154315.
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