GCSS: a global collaborative scheduling strategy for wide-area high-performance computing |
Yao SONG1,2, Limin XIAO1,2( ), Liang WANG2, Guangjun QIN3( ), Bing WEI1,2, Baicheng YAN1,2, Chenhao ZHANG1,2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 2. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 3. Smart City College, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China |
Abstract Wide-area high-performance computing is widely used for large-scale parallel computing applications owing to its high computing and storage resources. However, the geographical distribution of computing and storage resources makes efficient task distribution and data placement more challenging. To achieve a higher system performance, this study proposes a two-level global collaborative scheduling strategy for wide-area high-performance computing environments. The collaborative scheduling strategy integrates lightweight solution selection, redundant data placement and task stealing mechanisms, optimizing task distribution and data placement to achieve efficient computing in wide-area environments. The experimental results indicate that compared with the state-of-the-art collaborative scheduling algorithm HPS+, the proposed scheduling strategy reduces the makespan by 23.24%, improves computing and storage resource utilization by 8.28% and 21.73% respectively, and achieves similar global data migration costs.
high-performance computing
scheduling strategy
task scheduling
data placement
Corresponding Author(s):
Limin XIAO,Guangjun QIN
Just Accepted Date: 16 March 2021
Issue Date: 31 December 2021
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