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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2022, Vol. 16 Issue (5) : 165105
GCSS: a global collaborative scheduling strategy for wide-area high-performance computing
Yao SONG1,2, Limin XIAO1,2(), Liang WANG2, Guangjun QIN3(), Bing WEI1,2, Baicheng YAN1,2, Chenhao ZHANG1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
2. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
3. Smart City College, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China
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Wide-area high-performance computing is widely used for large-scale parallel computing applications owing to its high computing and storage resources. However, the geographical distribution of computing and storage resources makes efficient task distribution and data placement more challenging. To achieve a higher system performance, this study proposes a two-level global collaborative scheduling strategy for wide-area high-performance computing environments. The collaborative scheduling strategy integrates lightweight solution selection, redundant data placement and task stealing mechanisms, optimizing task distribution and data placement to achieve efficient computing in wide-area environments. The experimental results indicate that compared with the state-of-the-art collaborative scheduling algorithm HPS+, the proposed scheduling strategy reduces the makespan by 23.24%, improves computing and storage resource utilization by 8.28% and 21.73% respectively, and achieves similar global data migration costs.

Keywords high-performance computing      scheduling strategy      task scheduling      data placement     
Corresponding Author(s): Limin XIAO,Guangjun QIN   
Just Accepted Date: 16 March 2021   Issue Date: 31 December 2021
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Yao SONG,Limin XIAO,Liang WANG, et al. GCSS: a global collaborative scheduling strategy for wide-area high-performance computing[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(5): 165105.
Fig.1  GCSS framework
Parameter Description
Ak application requirements of task k
Bi,j,k data migration bandwidth for task k in solution (i,j)
Cj total cores in center j
Cavailj number of available cores in center j
Ck cores required by task k
CCj average computing capacity of each core in center j
Fk task stealing value of task k
Ik source data center set for task k
Jk target data center set for task k
Pj,k data placement value of data for task k in center j
Sj total storage resources in center j
Sremainj idle storage resources in center j
Sk storage resource requirements of task k
Ttransi,j,k estimated data migration time for task k in solution (i,j)
Twaitj,k estimated waiting time of task k in center j
Tcompj,k estimated computing time of task k in center j
Tstartj,k computing start time of task k in center j
Ti,j,k completion time of task k in solution (i,j)
Wcompk estimated computing quantity for task k
fj,k accessed proportion of data for task k in center j
tj,k access time interval of data for task k in center j
priorityk priority of task k
?j,k resource relevance parameter representing task k's requirements and resource status in center j
Tab.1  GCSS key parameters
Data center Core number Core computing capacity/GFlops
DC1 3500 22.89
DC2 3200 29.43
DC3 2600 14.55
DC4 2700 22.89
DC5 2800 14.55
Tab.2  Configuration of computing resources
Fig.4  Bandwidth setting
Name Starting Time Max core requirement
CTC-SP2 1996.03.01 308
SDSC-DS 2004.02.01 1360
CEA-Curie 2011.02.01 2560
Tab.3  Workload traces
Task scheduling ? ? ? ? ?
Data placement ? ? ? × ?
Data replica × × ? × ?
Bandwidth allocation ? × × × ×
Tab.4  Characteristics of the algorithms being compared
Fig.5  Makespan observed for different traces
Trace Algorithm Makespan of different input task numbers/s
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
CTC GCSS 23294.70 27072.36 27072.36 32064.36 52278.23
HPS+ 23483.83 28018.56 32680.13 45532.16 68102.33
CADT 23534.31 28370.69 51680.07 74013.17 91357.67
CAMS 60032.69 93366.80 106422.44 132500.95 168278.29
DSS 63621.97 144647.44 229714.13 307202.79 381714.16
FIFO 145525.05 270427.54 388680.07 496644.02 594694.38
SDSC GCSS 45002.67 75000.53 104094.65 122001.59 135672.46
HPS+ 60037.27 91149.37 112037.86 145001.99 168628.91
CADT 55040.86 99149.06 112024.88 149003.02 187038.23
CAMS 73082.97 128001.85 166037.69 228001.95 260335.96
DSS 53000.30 134015.11 237012.59 292500.75 329500.84
FIFO 155052.81 322680.00 490024.14 599009.51 695003.40
CEA GCSS 16379.88 32403.52 83210.37 106435.17 189821.53
HPS+ 45601.52 85010.38 220032.02 290035.17 500110.57
CADT 35515.36 69402.31 129217.18 161435.17 258602.19
CAMS 64382.38 118003.64 254020.83 328030.54 522000.20
DSS 74500.41 213500.23 321000.23 382503.66 550500.83
FIFO 137594.62 329010.83 490018.56 603030.52 842013.76
Tab.5  Experimental results for makespan
Fig.6  Global data migration costs for different traces
Fig.7  Average data migration cost proportions for different traces
Algorithm Global data migration cost(s)
GCSS 1966350 1855279 551576
HPS+ 641278 4566047 403164
CADT 2988213 3744135 2424097
CAMS 4141334 5900437 3544304
DSS 17510440 7043739 5372566
FIFO 22533680 24543810 14834070
Tab.6  Experimental results for global data migration costs
Fig.8  Computing resource utilization for different traces (2500 tasks)
Fig.9  Storage resource utilization for different traces (2500 tasks)
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