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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (3) : 183309
EvolveKG: a general framework to learn evolving knowledge graphs
Jiaqi LIU1, Zhiwen YU1(), Bin GUO1, Cheng DENG2, Luoyi FU2, Xinbing WANG2, Chenghu ZHOU3
1. School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China
2. Department of Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
3. Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejjing 100864, China
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A great many practical applications have observed knowledge evolution, i.e., continuous born of new knowledge, with its formation influenced by the structure of historical knowledge. This observation gives rise to evolving knowledge graphs whose structure temporally grows over time. However, both the modal characterization and the algorithmic implementation of evolving knowledge graphs remain unexplored. To this end, we propose EvolveKG – a general framework that enables algorithms in the static knowledge graphs to learn the evolving ones. EvolveKG quantifies the influence of a historical fact on a current one, called the effectiveness of the fact, and makes knowledge prediction by leveraging all the cross-time knowledge interaction. The novelty of EvolveKG lies in Derivative Graph – a weighted snapshot of evolution at a certain time. Particularly, each weight quantifies knowledge effectiveness through a temporarily decaying function of consistency and attenuation, two proposed factors depicting whether or not the effectiveness of a fact fades away with time. Besides, considering both knowledge creation and loss, we obtain higher prediction accuracy when the effectiveness of all the facts increases with time or remains unchanged. Under four real datasets, the superiority of EvolveKG is confirmed in prediction accuracy.

Keywords knowledge graph      evolution      modal characterization      algorithmic implementation     
Corresponding Author(s): Zhiwen YU   
Just Accepted Date: 21 December 2022   Issue Date: 21 April 2023
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Jiaqi LIU,Zhiwen YU,Bin GUO, et al. EvolveKG: a general framework to learn evolving knowledge graphs[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(3): 183309.
Fig.1  An example of evolving knowledge graphs, where the fact happened more recently is represented by the line with a larger width
Notation Definition
G(V,E) Knowledge graph with entity set V and relation set E.
G~(V,E) Derivative Graph of G(V,E).
evs Subject entity v.
evo Object entity v.
(evs,r,euo,t) Fact where relation r occurs between subject entity evs and object entity euo at time t.
dvs(t) Subject degree of entity v at time t.
dvo(t) Object degree of entity v at time t.
d^vs(t) Weighted subject degree of entity v at time t.
d^vo(t) Weighted object degree of entity v at time t.
e^(t) Average weighted number of edges in G~(V,E).
λ Parameter of the attenuation function.
s(t) Speed function of G(V,E).
s^(t) Effective speed function of G(V,E).
l(t) Loss rate of knowledge in G(V,E).
Tab.1  Notations and definitions
Fig.2  An illustration on the proposed framework – EvolveKG
# Facts 137,832 145,508 669,934 201,089
# Entities 15,969 6,863 125,54 10,623
# Relations 241 227 24 10
Tab.2  Statistical properties of datasets.
Fig.3  Evaluation on MeanRank - TransE. (a) GDELT; (b) ICEWS; (c) WIKI; (d) YAGO
Fig.4  Evaluation on Hit@10 - TransE. (a) GDELT; (b) ICEWS; (c) WIK; (d) YAGO
Fig.5  Evaluation on MeanRank - TransH. (a) GDELT; (b) ICEWS; (c) WIKI; (d) YAGO
Fig.6  Evaluation on Hit@10 - TransH. (a) GDELT; (b) ICEWS; (c) WIKI; (d) YAGO
Fig.7  Evaluation on MeanRank - TransD. (a) GDELT; (b) ICEWS; (c) WIKI; (d) YAGO
Fig.8  Evaluation on Hit@10 - TransD. (a) GDELT; (b) ICEWS; (c) WIKI; (d) YAGO
Fig.9  MeanRank with varying time ranges of historical knowledge
Fig.10  Hits@10 with varying time ranges of historical knowledge
EvolveKG-TransE UTF-TransE UTR-TransE RE-GCN RE-NET
GDELT 12.57s 11.74s 7.36s 14.50s 319.05s
ICEWS 11.05s 10.47s 6.09s 12.71s 457.74s
WIKI 39.35s 37.51s 29.48s 45.33s 3717.72s
YAGO 23.65s 21.96s 15.25s 27.26s 2235.64s
Tab.3  Running time pre epoch
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