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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (1) : 181303
Artificial Intelligence
Meta-path reasoning of knowledge graph for commonsense question answering
Miao ZHANG1,2,3, Tingting HE2,3,4(), Ming DONG2,3,4()
1. National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
2. Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Smart Learning, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
3. National Language Resources Monitoring & Research Center for Network Media, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
4. School of Computer, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
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Commonsense question answering (CQA) requires understanding and reasoning over QA context and related commonsense knowledge, such as a structured Knowledge Graph (KG). Existing studies combine language models and graph neural networks to model inference. However, traditional knowledge graph are mostly concept-based, ignoring direct path evidence necessary for accurate reasoning. In this paper, we propose MRGNN (Meta-path Reasoning Graph Neural Network), a novel model that comprehensively captures sequential semantic information from concepts and paths. In MRGNN, meta-paths are introduced as direct inference evidence and an original graph neural network is adopted to aggregate features from both concepts and paths simultaneously. We conduct sufficient experiments on the CommonsenceQA and OpenBookQA datasets, showing the effectiveness of MRGNN. Also, we conduct further ablation experiments and explain the reasoning behavior through the case study.

Keywords question answering      knowledge graph      graph neural network      meta-path reasoning     
Corresponding Author(s): Tingting HE,Ming DONG   
About author:

Changjian Wang and Zhiying Yang contributed equally to this work.

Just Accepted Date: 21 November 2022   Issue Date: 21 February 2023
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Miao ZHANG,Tingting HE,Ming DONG. Meta-path reasoning of knowledge graph for commonsense question answering[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(1): 181303.
Notations Definitions
Q The QA context
G A knowledge graph G={V,R}
V={v} The set of vertexes
R={r} The set of relations
P={P} The set of meta-paths
GP A subgraph with meta-paths
W Weight matrix
Rd d-dimensional euclidean space
α,β Normalized attention weight
σ(?) Activation function
The concatenate operation
Tab.1  Notations and definitions
Fig.1  QA example and triples extracted from KG
Fig.2  The illustrative example in building MRGNN. (a) Three types of entities (from question,option and knowledge graph); (b) G consists entities and relations extracted from knowledge graph; (c) The progress of meta-path construction
Fig.3  Overview of MRGNN architecture
Dataset Train Dev Test Choices
CQAin?house 8500 1221 1241 5
CQAofficial 9741 1221 1140
OBQA 4957 500 500 4
Tab.2  Statistics of datasets
Methods BERT-Large RoBERTa-Large
IHdev-Acc./% IHtest-Acc./% IHdev-Acc./% IHtest-Acc./%
w/o KG 61.0(±0.8) 55.4(±0.4) 73.1±0.5) 68.7(±0.6)
RGCN 63.0(±0.3) 57.1(±0.4) 72.7(±0.2) 68.4 (±0.7)
GAT 63.4(±0.4) 58.2(±1.0) 74.0(±0.2) 71.2(±0.7)
GconAttn 62.3(±0.4) 57.2(±0.5) 72.6(±0.4) 68.6(±0.1)
KagNet 62.3(±0.4) 57.2(±0.5) 73.5(±0.2) 69.0(±0.8)
RN 63.4(±0.3) 58.9(±0.1) 74.6(±0.9) 69.1(±0.2)
MHGRN 63.3(±0.5) 60.6(±0.6) 74.45(±0.2) 71.1(±0.2)
PathGenerator ? 59.07(±0.3) ? 72.7(±0.4)
HGN ? 60.9(±0.2) ? 73.6(±0.3)
RaB-PR 63.3 60.8 75.6 73.7
QA-GNN 65.1(±0.2) ? 76.5(±0.2) 73.4(±0.4)
MRGNN(w/ concat) 65.4(±0.1) 61.8(±0.3) 75.5 (±0.6) 73.1(±0.6)
MRGNN(w/ retrieve) 65.0(±0.2) 62.0(±0.2) 75.3(±0.7) 73.6(±0.5)
MRGNN(w/ syntactic) 65.7(±0.2) 62.3(±0.4) 75.8(±0.8) 73.5(±0.4)
Tab.3  Performance of baseline models on CommonsenceQA in-house split
Methods BERT-Large RoBERTa-Large
Fine-tuned w/o KG 62.4 76.2
RGCN 64.5 73.5
GconAttn 62.6 73.3
KagNet 64.5 74.3
MHGRN 65.0 75.5
HGN 64.5 77.8
QA-GNN ? 77.9
MRGNN(w/ concat) 65.6 76.7
MRGNN(w/ retrieve) 66.2 77.8
MRGNN(w/ syntactic) 66.7 77.6
Tab.4  Performance on the CommonsenseQA in official-split (dev)
Methods RoBERTa-Large AristoRoBERTaV7
Fine-tuned w/o KG 64.8(±2.3) 78.4(±1.6)
RGCN 62.4(±1.6) 74.6(±2.5)
GconAttn 64.7(±1.5) 71.8(±1.2)
RN 65.2(±1.2) 75.3(±1.4)
GAT 65.0(±1.3) 78.2(±1.2)
MHGRN 66.8(±1.2) 80.6
PathGenerator ? 79.2(±0.8)
QA-GNN 67.8(±2.7) 82.7(±1.6)
HGN 66.2 84.3
RaB-PR 68.3 83.6
MRGNN(w/ concat) 68.4(±2.1) 83.1(±1.3)
MRGNN(w/ retrieve) 69.5(±1.7) 83.6(±0.9)
MRGNN(w/ syntactic) 69.0(±1.6) 83.4(±1.2)
Tab.5  Test accuracy comparison on OpenBookQA. For baselines, the accuracy is reported from [2,3]
Methods Test(Acc. %)
Careful Selection 72.0
AristoRoBERTa 77.8
AristoRoBERTaV7 + MHGRN 80.6
ALBERT XXlargeV2 + KB 81.0
AristoRoBERTaV7 + HGN 81.4
AristoRoBERTaV7 + QA-GNN 82.8
Anonymous 85.6
T5(11B) + UnifiedQA 87.2
AristoRoBERTaV7 + MRGNN(w/ syntactic) 83.6
Tab.6  Comparisons with methods on the leaderboard for OpenBookQA
Fig.4  Ablation study on GNN components, using the CommonsenseQA in-house split set. N is the GNN layers
Fig.5  A sample of Case Study. The question is taken from the CommonsenseQA dataset. The broad lines show the meta-path changes that the model pays attention to as the GNN message passes
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