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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (2) : 182202
ContextAug: model-domain failing test augmentation with contextual information
Zhuo ZHANG1, Jianxin XUE2(), Deheng YANG3, Xiaoguang MAO3
1. School of Information Technology and Engineering, Guangzhou College of Commerce, Guangzhou 511363, China
2. School of Computer and Information Engineering, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China
3. College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
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In the process of software development, the ability to localize faults is crucial for improving the efficiency of debugging. Generally speaking, detecting and repairing errant behavior at an early stage of the development cycle considerably reduces costs and development time. Researchers have tried to utilize various methods to locate the faulty codes. However, failing test cases usually account for a small portion of the test suite, which inevitably leads to the class-imbalance phenomenon and hampers the effectiveness of fault localization.

Accordingly, in this work, we propose a new fault localization approach named ContextAug. After obtaining dynamic execution through test cases, ContextAug traces these executions to build an information model; subsequently, it constructs a failure context with propagation dependencies to intersect with new model-domain failing test samples synthesized by the minimum variability of the minority feature space. In contrast to traditional test generation directly from the input domain, ContextAug seeks a new perspective to synthesize failing test samples from the model domain, which is much easier to augment test suites. Through conducting empirical research on real large-sized programs with 13 state-of-the-art fault localization approaches, ContextAug could significantly improve fault localization effectiveness with up to 54.53%. Thus, ContextAug is verified as able to improve fault localization effectiveness.

Keywords context      fault localization      test cases     
Corresponding Author(s): Jianxin XUE   
Just Accepted Date: 30 December 2022   Issue Date: 23 March 2023
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Zhuo ZHANG,Jianxin XUE,Deheng YANG, et al. ContextAug: model-domain failing test augmentation with contextual information[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182202.
Fig.1  The general process of typical program fault localization techniques
Fig.2  The definition of the information model
Name Formulas Name Formulas
ER1’ Naish1 { 1if ane>0 a npifane 0 GP02 2 (aef+ anp)+ aep
Optimal_P aef aepaep+ an p+1 GP03 |a ef 2aep|
GP13 aef(1+aep2aep+aef) GP19 aef| aep aef+anf anp|
ER5 Wong1 aef Dstar aefa nf+aep
Russel_Rao aef aef+anf+ ae p+anp
Binary { 0 ,if ane>0 1,ifane 0 Ochiai aef(aef +a nf)( aef+aep)
Tab.1  Typical Formulas of SBFL
Fig.3  An example illustrating model-domain failing test augmentation of ContextAug
Fig.4  Virtual tests
Program Description Versions KLOC Test Coverage
chart JFreeChart 26 96 2205 59%
math Apache Commons Math 106 85 3602 78%
lang Apache commons-lang 65 22 2245 26%
closure Closure Compiler 133 90 7927 77%
mockito Framework for unit tests 38 6 1075 71%
time Joda-Time 27 53 4130 75%
python General-purpose language 8 407 355 16%
gzip Data compression 5 491 12 39%
libtiff Image processing 12 77 78 59%
space ADL interpreter 38 6.1 13585 100%
nanoxml_v1 XML parser 7 5.4 206 76%
nanoxml_v2 XML parser 7 5.7 206 72%
nanoxml_v3 XML parser 10 8.4 206 78%
nanoxml_v5 XML parser 7 8.8 206 78%
spoon Java code analysis and transformation 31 76 1114 63%
jackson-databind General data binding 13 99 1711 71%
debezium Platform for change data capture 4 53 508 69%
Tab.2  Summary of subject programs
Comparison Top-1/% Top-5/% Top-10/% Top-20/% MFR MAR
MLP-FL 0 1.9 2.7 11.3 232 361
MLP-FL(ContextAug) 1.9 5.4 11.3 20.6 193 336
CNN-FL 1.4 2.7 6.9 16.7 184 279
CNN-FL(ContextAug) 2.3 10.2 15.7 24.8 131 258
BiLSTM-FL 0 1.4 2.7 10.2 246 431
BiLSTM-FL(ContextAug) 1.4 3.8 9.5 16.4 221 379
DeepFL 1.4 3.8 9.1 20.3 197 296
DeepFL(ContextAug) 1.9 10.2 16.7 25.8 141 259
FLUCCS 0 5.8 8.6 16.4 212 335
FLUCCS(ContextAug) 1.4 9.8 15.7 24.3 157 291
DEEPRL4FL 3.8 11.3 24.3 40.8 137 242
DEEPRL4FL(ContextAug) 3.8 12.6 25.8 46.7 121 225
ER5 0 5.8 11.6 19.3 252 447
ER5(ContextAug) 1.4 7.4 13.1 27.2 224 393
GP02 1.4 14.2 19.8 35.9 282 561
GP02(ContextAug) 2.3 16.7 22.5 40.8 231 486
GP03 2.7 10.2 10.7 16.4 252 398
GP03(ContextAug) 2.7 15.1 17.5 20.6 215 326
Dstar 2.7 17.1 24.8 38.6 258 372
Dstar(ContextAug) 3.2 21.7 31.9 45.7 231 325
ER1’ 2.7 18.2 24.3 36.5 257 396
ER1’(ContextAug) 3.2 21.7 28.8 41.7 235 322
GP19 2.7 8.6 14.8 22.5 268 413
GP19(ContextAug) 3.2 11.6 21.7 27.9 234 385
Ochiai 1.4 18.9 23.5 33.4 226 381
Ochiai(ContextAug) 2.3 22.5 28.2 39.6 193 262
Tab.3  Top-N, MAR and MFR comparison of ContextAug
Fig.5  RImp comparison of ContextAug over fault localization approaches and subjects. (a) RImp on fault localization approaches; (b) RImp on subject programs
Comparison on fault localization approaches Result Comparison on fault localization approaches Result
MLP-FL(ContextAug) vs MLP-FL BETTER 17(100%) CNN-FL(ContextAug) vs CNN-FL BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
BiLSTM-FL(ContextAug) vs BiLSTM-FL BETTER 17(100%) DeepFL(ContextAug) vs DeepFL BETTER 14(82.4%)
SIMILAR 0(0%) SIMILAR 3(17.6%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
FLUCCS(ContextAug) vs FLUCCS BETTER 13(76.5%) DeepRL4FL(ContextAug) vs DeepRL4FL BETTER 12(70.6%)
SIMILAR 4(23.5%) SIMILAR 5(29.4%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
Ochiai(ContextAug) vs Ochiai BETTER 9(52.9%) ER5(ContextAug) vs ER5 BETTER 10(58.7%)
SIMILAR 8(47.1%) SIMILAR 7(41.3%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP02(ContextAug) vs GP02 BETTER 9(52.9%) GP03(ContextAug) vs GP03 BETTER 11(64.7%)
SIMILAR 8(47.1%) SIMILAR 6(35.3%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
Dstar(ContextAug) vs Dstar BETTER 9(52.9%) ER1'(ContextAug) vs ER1' BETTER 8(47.1%)
SIMILAR 8(47.1%) SIMILAR 9(52.9%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP19(ContextAug) vs GP19 BETTER 11(64.7%)
SIMILAR 6(35.3%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Comparison on subject programs Result Comparison on subject programs Result
gzip(ContextAug) vs gzip BETTER 7(53.8%) libtiff(ContextAug) vs libtiff BETTER 7(53.8%)
SIMILAR 6(46.2%) SIMILAR 6(46.2%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
lang(ContextAug) vs lang BETTER 5(38.5%) closure(ContextAug) vs closure BETTER 6(46.2%)
SIMILAR 8(61.5%) SIMILAR 7(53.8%)
WORSE 0(15.4%) WORSE 0(0%)
python(ContextAug) vs python BETTER 4(30.8%) space(ContextAug) vs space BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 9(69.2%) SIMILAR 4(30.8%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
chart(ContextAug) vs chart BETTER 8(61.5%) math(ContextAug) vs math BETTER 11(84.6%)
SIMILAR 5(38.5%) SIMILAR 2(15.4%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
mockito(ContextAug) vs mockito BETTER 11(84.6%) time(ContextAug) vs time BETTER 8(61.5%)
SIMILAR 2(15.4%) SIMILAR 5(38.5%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
nanoxml_v1(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v1 BETTER 9(69.2%) nanoxml_v2(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v2 BETTER 10(76.9%)
SIMILAR 4(30.8%) SIMILAR 3(23.1%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
nanoxml_v3(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v3 BETTER 8(61.5%) nanoxml_v5(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v5 BETTER 10(76.9%)
SIMILAR 5(38.5%) SIMILAR 3(23.1%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
spoon(ContextAug) vs spoon BETTER 8(61.5%) jackson-databind(ContextAug) vs jackson-databind BETTER 7(53.8%)
SIMILAR 5(38.5%) SIMILAR 6(46.2%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
debezium(ContextAug) vs debezium BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 4(30.8%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Tab.4  Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank test of ContextAug
Comparison on fault localization approaches Result Comparison on fault localization approaches Result
MLP-FL(ContextAug)vs MLP-FL(undersampling) BETTER 17(100%) CNN-FL(ContextAug) vs CNN-FL(undersampling) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
BiLSTM-FL(ContextAug)vs BiLSTM-FL(undersampling) BETTER 17(100%) DeepFL(ContextAug) vs DeepFL(undersampling) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
FLUCCS(ContextAug) vs FLUCCS(undersampling) BETTER 17(100%) DeepRL4FL(ContextAug) vs DeepRL4FL(undersampling) BETTER 14(82.4%)
SIMILAR 0(0%) SIMILAR 3(17.6%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
Ochiai(ContextAug)vs Ochiai(undersampling) BETTER 13(76.5%) ER5(ContextAug) vs ER5(undersampling) BETTER 11(64.7%)
SIMILAR 4(23.5%) SIMILAR 6(35.3%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP02(ContextAug)vs GP02(undersampling) BETTER 14(82.4%) GP03(ContextAug) vs GP03(undersampling) BETTER 13(76.5%)
SIMILAR 3(17.6%) SIMILAR 4(23.5%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
Dstar(ContextAug)vs Dstar(undersampling) BETTER 10(58.8%) ER1'(ContextAug) vs ER1'(undersampling) BETTER 9(52.9%)
SIMILAR 7(41.2%) SIMILAR 8(47.1%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP19(ContextAug)vs GP19(undersampling) BETTER 12(70.6%)
SIMILAR 5(29.4%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Comparison on subject programs Result Comparison on subject programs Result
gzip(ContextAug) vs gzip(undersampling) BETTER 10(76.9%) libtiff(ContextAug) vs libtiff(undersampling) BETTER 7(53.8%)
SIMILAR 3(23.1%) SIMILAR 6(46.2%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
lang(ContextAug) vs lang(undersampling) BETTER 10(76.9%) closure(ContextAug) vs closure(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 3(23.1%) SIMILAR 4(30.8%)
WORSE 0(15.4%) WORSE 0(0%)
python(ContextAug) vs python(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%) space(ContextAug) vs space(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 4(30.8%) SIMILAR 4(30.8%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
chart(ContextAug) vs chart(undersampling) BETTER 13(100%) math(ContextAug) vs math(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 0(0%) SIMILAR 4(30.8%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
mockito(ContextAug) vs mockito(undersampling) BETTER 12(92.3%) time(ContextAug) vs time(undersampling) BETTER 10(76.9%)
SIMILAR 1(7.7%) SIMILAR 3(23.1%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
nanoxml_v1(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v1(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%) nanoxml_v2(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v2(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 4(30.8%) SIMILAR 3(23.1%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 1(7.7%)
nanoxml_v3(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v3(undersampling) BETTER 8(61.5%) nanoxml_v5(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v5(undersampling) BETTER 9(69.2%)
SIMILAR 5(38.5%) SIMILAR 4(30.8%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
spoon(ContextAug) vs spoon BETTER 9(69.2%) jackson-databind(ContextAug) vs jackson-databind BETTER 10(76.9%)
SIMILAR 4(30.8%) SIMILAR 3(23.1%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
debezium(ContextAug) vs debezium BETTER 10(76.9%)
SIMILAR 3(23.1%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Tab.5  Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank test of ContextAug over undersampling
Comparison on fault localization approaches Result Comparison on fault localization approaches Result
MLP-FL(ContextAug) vs MLP-FL(smote) BETTER 9(52.9%) CNN-FL(ContextAug) vs CNN-FL(smote) BETTER 6(35.3%)
SIMILAR 7(41.2%) SIMILAR 9(52.9%)
WORSE 1(5.9%) WORSE 2(11.8%)
BiLSTM-FL(ContextAug) vs BiLSTM-FL(smote) BETTER 10(58.8%) DeepFL(ContextAug) vs DeepFL(smote) BETTER 6(35.3%)
SIMILAR 6(35.3%) SIMILAR 9(52.9%)
WORSE 1(5.9%) WORSE 2(11.8%)
FLUCCS(ContextAug) vs FLUCCS(smote) BETTER 7(41.2%) DeepRL4FL(ContextAug) vs DeepRL4FL(smote) BETTER 7(41.2%)
SIMILAR 9(52.9%) SIMILAR 9(52.9%)
WORSE 1(5.9%) WORSE 1(5.9%)
Ochiai(ContextAug) vs Ochiai(smote) BETTER 5(29.4%) ER5(ContextAug) vs ER5(smote) BETTER 8(47.1%)
SIMILAR 11(64.7%) SIMILAR 8(47.1%)
WORSE 1(5.9%) WORSE 1(5.9%)
GP02(ContextAug) vs GP02(smote) BETTER 7(41.2%) GP03(ContextAug) vs GP03(smote) BETTER 6(35.3%)
SIMILAR 10(58.8%) SIMILAR 9(52.9%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 2(11.8%)
Dstar(ContextAug) vs Dstar(smote) BETTER 6(35.3%) ER1'(ContextAug) vs ER1'(smote) BETTER 6(35.3%)
SIMILAR 10(58.8%) SIMILAR 11(64.7%)
WORSE 1(5.9%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP19(ContextAug) vs GP19(smote) BETTER 7(41.2%)
SIMILAR 8(47.1%)
WORSE 2(11.8%)
Comparison on subject programs Result Comparison on subject programs Result
gzip(ContextAug) vs gzip(smote) BETTER 4(30.8%) libtiff(ContextAug) vs libtiff(smote) BETTER 4(30.8%)
SIMILAR 8(61.5%) SIMILAR 8(61.5%)
WORSE 1(7.7%) WORSE 1(7.7%)
lang(ContextAug) vs lang(smote) BETTER 4(30.8%) closure(ContextAug) vs closure(smote) BETTER 5(38.5%)
SIMILAR 8(61.5%) SIMILAR 6(46.2%)
WORSE 1(7.7%) WORSE 2(15.4%)
python(ContextAug) vs python(smote) BETTER 3(23.1%) space(ContextAug) vs space(smote) BETTER 3(23.1%)
SIMILAR 9(69.2%) SIMILAR 9(69.2%)
WORSE 1(7.7%) WORSE 1(7.7%)
chart(ContextAug) vs chart(smote) BETTER 4(30.8%) math(ContextAug) vs math(smote) BETTER 5(38.5%)
SIMILAR 7(53.8%) SIMILAR 7(53.8%)
WORSE 2(15.4%) WORSE 1(7.7%)
mockito(ContextAug) vs mockito(smote) BETTER 4(30.8%) time(ContextAug) vs time(smote) BETTER 5(38.5%)
SIMILAR 9(69.2%) SIMILAR 8(61.5%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
nanoxml_v1(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v1(smote) BETTER 4(30.8%) nanoxml_v2(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v2(smote) BETTER 6(46.2%)
SIMILAR 8(61.5%) SIMILAR 6(46.2%)
WORSE 1(7.7%) WORSE 1(7.7%)
nanoxml_v3(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v3(smote) BETTER 5(38.5%) nanoxml_v5(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v5(smote) BETTER 5(38.5%)
SIMILAR 7(53.8%) SIMILAR 7(53.8%)
WORSE 1(7.7%) WORSE 1(7.7%)
spoon(ContextAug) vs spoon BETTER 5(38.5%) jackson-databind(ContextAug) vs jackson-databind BETTER 5(38.5%)
SIMILAR 8(61.5%) SIMILAR 6(46.2%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 2(15.4%)
debezium(ContextAug) vs debezium BETTER 6(46.2%)
SIMILAR 7(53.8%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Tab.6  Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank test of ContextAug over smote
Comparison on fault localization approaches Result Comparison on fault localization approaches Result
MLP-FL(ContextAug) vs MLP-FL(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%) CNN-FL(ContextAug) vs CNN-FL(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
BiLSTM-FL(ContextAug) vs BiLSTM-FL(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%) DeepFL(ContextAug) vs DeepFL(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
FLUCCS(ContextAug) vs FLUCCS(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%) DEEPRL4FL(ContextAug) vs DEEPRL4FL(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
Ochiai(ContextAug) vs Ochiai(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%) ER5(ContextAug) vs ER5(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP02(ContextAug) vs GP02(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%) GP03(ContextAug) vs GP03(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
Dstar(ContextAug) vs Dstar(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%) ER1'(ContextAug) vs ER1'(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
GP19(ContextAug) vs GP19(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 17(100%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Comparison on subject programs Result Comparison on subject programs Result
gzip(ContextAug) vs gzip(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) libtiff(ContextAug) vs libtiff(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
lang(ContextAug) vs lang(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) closure(ContextAug) vs closure(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
python(ContextAug) vs python(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) space(ContextAug) vs space(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
chart(ContextAug) vs chart(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) math(ContextAug) vs math(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
mockito(ContextAug) vs mockito(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) time(ContextAug) vs time(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
nanoxml_v1(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v1(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) nanoxml_v2(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v2(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
nanoxml_v3(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v3(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) nanoxml_v5(ContextAug) vs nanoxml_v5(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
spoon(ContextAug) vs spoon(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%) jackson-databind(ContextAug) vs jackson-databind(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%) WORSE 0(0%)
debezium(ContextAug) vs debezium(ContextAug(rmss)) BETTER 13(100%)
WORSE 0(0%)
Tab.7  Discussion of ContextAug without covering the faulty statement
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