Compiler testing: a systematic literature analysis |
Yixuan TANG1, Zhilei REN1, Weiqiang KONG1, He JIANG1,2,3( ) |
1. School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China 2. Key Laboratory for Ubiquitous Network and Service Software of Liaoning Province, Dalian 116000, China 3. School of Computer Science & Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Compilers are widely-used infrastructures in accelerating the software development, and expected to be trustworthy. In the literature, various testing technologies have been proposed to guarantee the quality of compilers. However, there remains an obstacle to comprehensively characterize and understand compiler testing. To overcome this obstacle, we propose a literature analysis framework to gain insights into the compiler testing area. First, we perform an extensive search to construct a dataset related to compiler testing papers. Then, we conduct a bibliometric analysis to analyze the productive authors, the influential papers, and the frequently tested compilers based on our dataset. Finally, we utilize association rules and collaboration networks to mine the authorships and the communities of interests among researchers and keywords. Some valuable results are reported. We find that the USA is the leading country that contains the most influential researchers and institutions. The most active keyword is “random testing”. We also find that most researchers have broad interests within small-scale collaborators in the compiler testing area.
software engineering
compiler-theory and techniques
literature analysis
collaboration network
bibliometric analysis
Corresponding Author(s):
Online First Date: 26 March 2019
Issue Date: 24 September 2019
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