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Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN 2095-2732

ISSN 2095-2740(Online)

CN 10-1028/TM

Front Elect Electr Eng Chin    2009, Vol. 4 Issue (3) : 287-294
A self-adaptive key flow routing adjustment algorithm
Yujie PEI(), Hongbo WANG, Shiduan CHENG
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
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Congestion may decrease throughput and transfer efficiency of network, and lead to serious degradation of quality of service (QoS) acquired by end users. Present routing adjustment methods against congestion mostly consider single-point congestion. They cannot deal with multi-point congestion. This paper presents a probability-based routing adjustment algorithm, which solves the interference problem when several flows are adjusted simultaneously. While multiple points in the network are being or about to be congested, several key flows are rerouted by this algorithm at the same time to make traffic distribution more reasonable so as to avoid congestion. Meanwhile, the algorithm in this paper confines the path length of key flows to avoid QoS reduction due to overlength of key flows. Simulation shows that this method, compared with present algorithms, maintains better load balance and path length. Therefore it effectively increases the throughput of the network.

Keywords network management      load balancing      quality of service (QoS)      routing adjustment     
Corresponding Author(s): PEI Yujie,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2009
 Cite this article:   
Yujie PEI,Hongbo WANG,Shiduan CHENG. A self-adaptive key flow routing adjustment algorithm[J]. Front Elect Electr Eng Chin, 2009, 4(3): 287-294.
Vset of nodes
Eset of links
Wnumber of key flows
Fikey flows to be adjusted
TFiupper bound of path length of Fi
fisize of Fi
sFisource of Fi
tFidestination of Fi
wFiu,vlink weight of (u,v) when calculating route for Fi
lu,vlength of (u,v)
lPlength of P
cu,vcapacity of (u,v)
bu,vexisting traffic volume of (u,v)
PFifinal route for Fi
duvshortest distance between u and v
Tab.1  Symbolic table
Fig.1  Curve of cost function
Fig.2  Key flows routing
Fig.3  Topology of MIRA net
Fig.4  Optimality gap with 50 node topology
Fig.5  Optimality gap with 80 node topology
Fig.6  Optimality gap with 50 node topology (zoom in for proposed algorithm)
Fig.7  Optimality gap with 80 node topology (zoom in for proposed algorithm)
Fig.8  Mean path length with 50 node topology
Fig.9  Mean path length with 80 node topology
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