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Frontiers of Engineering Management

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ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

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Front. Eng    2023, Vol. 10 Issue (2) : 237-249
Named entity recognition for Chinese construction documents based on conditional random field
Qiqi ZHANG1, Cong XUE1, Xing SU1(), Peng ZHOU2, Xiangyu WANG3, Jiansong ZHANG4
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2. School of Management Science and Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China
3. School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia 6845, Australia
4. School of Construction Management Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
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Named entity recognition (NER) is essential in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as information extraction and document classification. A construction document usually contains critical named entities, and an effective NER method can provide a solid foundation for downstream applications to improve construction management efficiency. This study presents a NER method for Chinese construction documents based on conditional random field (CRF), including a corpus design pipeline and a CRF model. The corpus design pipeline identifies typical NER tasks in construction management, enables word-based tokenization, and controls the annotation consistency with a newly designed annotating specification. The CRF model engineers nine transformation features and seven classes of state features, covering the impacts of word position, part-of-speech (POS), and word/character states within the context. The F1-measure on a labeled construction data set is 87.9%. Furthermore, as more domain knowledge features are infused, the marginal performance improvement of including POS information will decrease, leading to a promising research direction of POS customization to improve NLP performance with limited data.

Keywords NER      NLP      Chinese language      construction document     
Corresponding Author(s): Xing SU   
Just Accepted Date: 16 November 2021   Online First Date: 07 January 2022    Issue Date: 29 May 2023
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Qiqi ZHANG,Cong XUE,Xing SU, et al. Named entity recognition for Chinese construction documents based on conditional random field[J]. Front. Eng, 2023, 10(2): 237-249.
Word Variation/Abbreviation
外悬挑梁 (cantilever beam) 悬挑外梁
加气混凝土砌块 (aerated concrete block) 混凝土加气块, 加气块
水泥粉喷搅拌桩 (cement powder spray pile) 粉喷搅拌桩, 粉喷桩
Tab.1  Examples of word variation and/or abbreviation
Fig.1  Corpus design pipeline.
Task Target NEs Construction document
Identification of responsibility and legal issues Organization
Bidding document correspondence
Other formal communication
Cost analysis Material
Building parts
Progress report
Project quota
Progress analysis Material
Building parts
Construction plan
Progress report
Daily log
Meeting minutes
Quality analysis Material
Building parts
Construction techniques
Construction plan
Quality report
Daily log
Meeting minutes
Safety analysis Equipment
Building parts
Body parts
Injury types
Construction plan
Safety report
Daily log
Meeting minutes
Tab.2  NER tasks, target NEs, and associated construction documents
// Prepare initial tag sequences before fusion:
[1] For each sentence s= [c 1, c2, ..., cj, ..., cN], where cj represents the jth character in s, record the results from the three segmentation tools as R1, R2, and R3
[2] Mark the first character of each word by tag “F” and the rest by tag “E” in R1, R2, and R3
[3] Let Ti= [t i1, ti2, ..., tij, ..., tiN] represents the tag sequence of Ri, where tij represents the jth tag of the jth character in Ri
// Form the final tag sequence by fusion:
[4] For each character cj in s, a list Tj= [t 1j, t2j, t3j] exists
[5] Count the number of tag “F” and tag “E” in Tj as NFj and NEj, respectively
[6] Assign “F” or “E” as the final tag of character cj on the basis of max(NFj, NEj ) and form a final tag sequence TFinal
// Transform the final tag sequence into segmented tokens as the fusion result:
[7] Scan from left to right; mark an F before an F as an individual token
[8] Mark an F before an E as the beginning of a token; mark an E before an F as the end of a token; search back for the nearest beginning of a token; and combine the beginning–end pair together with every character in between as a token
Tab.3  Procedures of the ensemble method
Fig.2  Illustration of the ensemble method.
Model LTP Jieba THULAC Ensemble
Accuracy 0.905 0.914 0.918 0.963
Tab.4  Accuracy comparison
Tag location Beginning Inside Outside
Tag representation B I O
Tab.5  Tag representation
Types Example (in Chinese) Example (in English)
Location 顶层, 一区 top floor, zone one
Building components 梁, 墙, 10#塔吊 beam, wall, 10# tower crane
Building material 混凝土, 砖, 钢 concrete, brick, steel
Tab.6  Nested NE element types
Annotator A B C Average Kappa
A 92.8% 93.9% 93.4%
B 92.8% 92.3% 92.6%
C 93.9% 92.3% 93.1%
Average 93.4% 92.6% 93.1% 93.0%
Tab.7  Annotation consistency matrix
Word Tag Word type Character type
施工 O
单位 O
尽快 O
上报 O Left-hand indicator
人工 B Modifier “工” is a single modifier suffix and “人工” is a double modifier suffix
挖孔 I Modifier “孔” is a single modifier suffix and “挖孔” is a double modifier suffix
I Kernel “桩” is a kernel suffix
O Left-hand indicator and right-hand indicator
土钉 B Modifier “钉” is a single modifier suffix and “土钉” is a double modifier suffix
I Modifier “墙” is a modifier suffix
锚杆 I Kernel “杆” is a single kernel suffix and “锚杆” is a double kernel suffix
O Right-hand indicator
变更 O
费用 O
Tab.8  Types of words/characters in a sentence
Threshold name Value
TH(modifier )
Tab.9  Selected thresholds of statistical feature
Tags Precision Recall F1-measure
B 0.835 0.790 0.812
I 0.892 0.816 0.853
O 0.954 0.990 0.972
Average 0.879
Tab.10  Performance of the CRF model
Fig.3  Visualization of part of the results.
Model Introduced model Bi-LSTM-CRF BERT-Bi-LSTM-CRF
F1-measure 0.879 0.813 0.827
Tab.11  Performance comparison
No. Features F1-measure of tag B F1-measure of tag I F1-measure of tag O Average
1 TF, CF 0.653 0.766 0.944 0.788
2 TF, CF, POSF 0.742 0.809 0.957 0.836
3 TF, WF 0.745 0.814 0.975 0.845
4 TF, WF, POSF 0.781 0.839 0.977 0.866
5 TF, WF, CF 0.798 0.859* 0.978* 0.878
6 TF, WF, CF, POSF 0.812* 0.853 0.972 0.879*
Tab.12  F1-measures of different feature combinations
Tag location Weight Feature
L=B 1.968 SL=B ,pos= b
1.472 SL=B ,pos= nh
1.207 SL=B ,s_modifier_suffix
1.201 SL=B ,pos= ws
1.191 SL=B ,pos= n
−1.635 SL=B ,pos= q
L=I 3.056 SL=I ,pos= wp
1.601 SL=I ,kernel
1.124 SL=I ,pos= nz
−1.296 SL=I ,pos= b
−1.460 SL=I ,right_indicator
−1.574 SL=I ,pos= a
L=O 2.841 SL=O ,pos= p
2.064 SL=O ,pos= wp
1.964 SL=O ,pos= nt
−2.168 SL=O ,modifier
−2.454 SL=O ,pos= nh
−3.077 SL=O ,kernel
Tab.13  Parameters of the SFs (top six)
Fig.4  F1-measures with different amounts of training data.
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