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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

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Front. Eng    2014, Vol. 1 Issue (4) : 353-357
Building of Post-project Management
Yu Han1,2,*(),Yu-fei Li1,Hu Cheng2
1. College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
2. College of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210018, China
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Traditional project management often ignores problems arising after project completion such as value changing, functional decline, waste of resources and environmental pollution during the operation and dismantling process. This paper advances the concept of “post-project”, builds a framework for post-project management with case analysis, as the social development and new requirements for project management by environmental protection. Post-project refers to a project which no longer possesses normal value, because of loss after use, inability to adapt to new requirements, artificial destruction, damage beyond control, and deprivation of value after the completion of the project. Post-project management encompasses a series of management and technical activities including updating, reforming, removal, recovery, and recycling. The process of post-project management is composed of classification and characteristics of post-projects, management decisions, implementation, and evaluation. Post-project management can realize the sustainable development of project and society.

Keywords project management, life cycle      project update, project remake, project removal, project restoration, project recycling     
Corresponding Author(s): Yu Han   
Online First Date: 17 April 2015    Issue Date: 07 May 2015
 Cite this article:   
Yu-fei Li,Hu Cheng,Yu Han. Building of Post-project Management[J]. Front. Eng, 2014, 1(4): 353-357.
Fig.1  Thinking system and tasks of post-project management.
Value Description
Function-economic value Basic project requirements. Maximizing function-cost ratio is the object. Involves operational performance, safety and reliability, and cost optimization
Project-environment value A higher level value. Reflects requirements of harmonious development in the contradictions between a project and the environment, such as environment-friendly
Project-sustainable development value Highest level value. Synthesizes scientific development, sustainable development, and other guiding ideologies. Requires coordinated development between project and society to assure project can be sustainability while meeting constantly changing human demands
Tab.1  Value System of Post-project Management
Activity Description Support Instance
Update Update or renew some equipment and systems for old buildings to meet new demands Intelligent building system, building automation system, etc. Update intelligent building system for old buildings
Remake Maintenance, reconstruction, or expansion to solve problems such of aging, damage, etc. Techniques of building reinforcement, monolithic movement, etc. Remake of abandoned industrial buildings
Removal Building demolition for those having no value or has completed its design life or its mission Techniques of blasting demolition, shaped charge cutting, etc. Demolition of broken house
Restoration Spot clean and ecosystem recovery for demolished buildings Land reclamation techniques, etc. Land reclamation
Recycling Recycling of wasted or excessive material though life cycle Recycled concrete, water recycling device, etc. Using gray-water
Tab.2  Task and Technical Support of Post-project Management
Fig.2  Post-project management processes.
Classification Process Status Cause Example
Sick Gradual or sudden Unable to meet demands, but has use value Excessive wear, equipment outdated, etc. Vulnerable buildings
Brain death Gradual or sudden Meets demands, no use value Demands change, social development, etc. Abandoned military defense works
Sudden death Sudden Unable to meet demands, use value Human and/or natural damage, etc. Building destroyed by terrorist attack
Natural death Gradual Unable to meet demands, no use value Excessive wear, mission completed, etc. Temporary structure
Tab.3  Classification and Characteristic of Post-project
Value Explanation and analysis
Function-economic Save money by updating and remaking rather than demolishing and rebuilding.
Create new functions for more income, such as business, entertainment, shopping, and etc.
Use a free space fully and create some economic value
Project-environment Save construction material than demolishing and rebuilding
Reduce waste and pollution than demolishing and rebuilding
Take the advantages of the old bindings to create some green buildings, such as natural ventilation, insulation, and etc.
Art district is more eco-friendly than industrial district
Project-sustainable development Retain and repair the Bauhaus style buildings for the historical and cultural value
Promote art and tourist development by creating a new art district, which is open, live and showing the modern Chinese art
Promote surrounding area development, such as infrastructure, real estate, etc.
Tab.4  Value Analysis for Post-project Management of 798 Art District
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