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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

Front. Eng    2015, Vol. 2 Issue (3) : 304-310
Engineering Management Education
Development of Engineering Management Education in China
Chuan-jun Zheng(),Hu Cheng
Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
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Engineering management (EM) is a new interdisciplinary field accompanying China’s economic and social development. To have a systemic research of the present situation and future orientation on China’s EM education, this paper compares the connotation of engineering and engineering management based on the gap of their differences at home and abroad, with gained causes between them. Then, this paper analyzes the training system of 35 authenticated universities with the program of engineering management, which had received the certification from the Engineering Management Assessment Committee for Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China by 2014. With a web survey of the present condition of engineering management education at these universities, the paper discusses the disciplinary attribution of engineering management. Through the above research, this paper concludes with three suggestions for the long-term development of engineering management education in China.

Keywords engineering management      education      discipline      development      China     
Corresponding Author(s): Chuan-jun Zheng   
Online First Date: 28 January 2016    Issue Date: 21 March 2016
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Chuan-jun Zheng,Hu Cheng. Development of Engineering Management Education in China[J]. Front. Eng, 2015, 2(3): 304-310.
Managed object Discipline Level Professional degree Feature
Government/non-governmental organization Public administration Macro MPA Scientific administration of public policies and affairs
Enterprise Business management Meso MBA Daily management of continuous operation and general business management
Engineering EM Macro, meso, and micro MEM Integrated management of technology, focus on particular technical industry
Project Project management Micro MPM Management of one-off activities with limited resource, general management methods and means
Tab.1  Comparison of EM and General Management
Discipline class First-level discipline/Domain PhD Master Undergraduate Degree category Remarks
Management/Engineering MSE MSE MSE EM/ engineering cost Academic Main origin of students in EM
Management BA TM TM EM
Engineering CE CECM CECM CE/EM
Engineering Engineering ACE Professional Focus on civil engineering
Doctor of engineering Emphasis on management in technical industry
Management Project PM General management for various industries
Engineering MEM Emphasis on management in technical industry
Tab.2  Higher Education System of EM
Fig.1  Distribution of university type.
Fig.2  Involved industry of EM.
Fig.3  Schools of study.
Fig.4  Level of degree.
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