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Frontiers of Engineering Management

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Front. Eng    2016, Vol. 3 Issue (3) : 206-223
An Internet-of-Things Initiative for One Belt One Road (OBOR)
Li Da Xu()
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA
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A wide range of industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications have been developed and deployed in recent years. IoT has provided a promising opportunity to build powerful industrial systems and applications by leveraging the growing ubiquity of RFID, wireless, mobile and sensor devices. In an effort to understand the development of IoT in industries, this paper reviews the current research of IoT, key enabling technologies, major IoT applications in industries, and identifies research trends and challenges. As IoT has received support from governments and businesses across the globe, IoT will also greatly impact One Belt One Road (OBOR) in foreseeable future.

Keywords Internet of Things (IoT)      RFID      Wireless Sensor Networks      Near Field Communications      ICT     
Corresponding Author(s): Li Da Xu   
Online First Date: 24 November 2016    Issue Date: 22 December 2016
 Cite this article:   
Li Da Xu. An Internet-of-Things Initiative for One Belt One Road (OBOR)[J]. Front. Eng, 2016, 3(3): 206-223.
Fig.1  IoT, related technology and their impact on new ICT.
Fig.2  IoT-related technologies.
Fig.3  IoT for future manufacturing.
Fig.4  Characteristics, delivery and deployment models of cloud computing.
Communication protocolsTransmission rateSpectrumTransmission range
RFID424 kbps135 khz
13.56 MHz,
866–960 MHz
2.4 Ghz
>50 cm
>50 cm
>3 m
>1.5 m
NFC100 kbps–10 Mbps2.45 GHz
ZigBee256 kbps/20 kbps2.4 GHz/900 MHz10 m
Bluetooth1 Mbps2.4 GHz10 m
BLE10 kbps2.4 GHz10 m
UWB50 MbpsWide range30 m
WiFi50–320 Mbps2.4/5.8 GHz100
Wi-Max70 Mbps2–11GHz50 km
Tab.1  Communication Technologies in IoT
CommunicationIEEE 802.15.4(ZigBee)
IEEE 802.11 (WLAN)
IEEE 802.15.1(Bluetooth, Low energy Bluetooth)
IEEE 802.15.6 (Wireless Body Area Networks)
IEEE 1888
RFIDRFID tag ISO 11784
RFID air interface Protocol: ISO 11785
RFID payment system and contactless smart card: ISO 14443/15693
Mobile RFID:, ISO/IEC 18092 ISO/IEC 29143
ISO 18000-1 – Generic Parameters for the Air Interface for Globally Accepted Frequencies
ISO 18000-2 – for frequencies below 135 kHz
ISO 18000-3 – for 13.56 MHz
ISO 18000-4 – for 2.45 GHz
ISO 18000-6 – for 860 to 960 MHz
ISO 18000-7 – for 433 MHz
Data content and encodingEPC Global Electronic Product Code, or EPCTM
EPC Global Physical Mark Up Language
EPC Global Object Naming Service (ONS)
Electronic product codeAuto-ID: Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN), Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC), and the Global Location Number (GLN).
Sensor Interfaces: IEEE 1451.x, IEC SC 17B, EPCglobal, ISO TC 211, ISO TC 205
Network managementZigBee Alliance, IETF SNMP WG, ITU-T SG 2,
ITU-T SG 16, IEEE 1588
MiddleISO TC 205, ITU-T SG 16
Tab.2  A List of Standards Involved in IoT
Fig.5  A proposed architecture of social IoT.
Fig.6  Service-oriented architecture for IoT.
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