Analyzing sustainability of construction equipment in the state of California |
1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, E-209, 800 N. State College Blvd, California State University Fullerton, CA 92834, USA 2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Glenn L. Martin Hall 1188, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742, USA |
Abstract Construction equipment encompasses highly polluting machines adversely affecting the environment. Management tools are necessary for sustainability assessment of construction equipment fleets to allow contractors to reduce their emissions and comply with local or federal regulations. In addition to management tools, there is a need for a metrics that will allow companies to accurately assess the sustainability of their construction equipment fleets. The State of California USA is adopting innovative approaches to reduce adverse impact of humans on the environment. Once successfully implemented, the chances are that such practices attract other states to adopt similar approaches. This paper presents an evaluation of construction equipment fleets and data analysis. When measured and recorded, such results can be used along with decision-support tools for selection and utilization of construction equipment. The metrics for construction equipment evaluation as well as the tool for sustainable decision-making are developed based on readily available data from manufacturers or maintenance shops without a need for additional effort by contractors or government agencies for their adoption. The metrics developed and the decision support tool incorporate logical strategies of supply chain management for optimal selection of construction equipment for construction site while taking into account the availability, cost, and mobilization related constraints. The metrics and the model can benefit both the government agencies responsible for inspection of fleets and owners of construction companies in their decision-making processes related to environmental sustainability.
Construction equipment
greenhouse gas emissions
sustainability index
sustainable construction
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Just Accepted Date: 08 June 2017
Online First Date: 05 July 2017
Issue Date: 17 July 2017
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