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Frontiers of Engineering Management

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Front. Eng    2018, Vol. 5 Issue (2) : 240-250
Performance of seven highway construction contracting methods analyzed by project size
Yuanxin ZHANG1, Abdol CHINI2(), R. Edward MINCHIN Jr.2, Lourdes PTSCHELINZEW2, Dev SHAH2
1. School of Management, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
2. Rinker School of Construction Management, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
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The conventional Design-Bid-Build (DBB) construction contracting method has had various drawbacks exposed in highway construction practice, including lack of communication, inefficient design, antagonizing relationships, and increased disputes. To mitigate the negative aspects of DBB, several alternative contracting methods and alternative project delivery systems have been devised and introduced to the industry over the past 30 years. Five such innovations were tested by a research team from the University of Florida under the sponsorship of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). To perform a realistic assessment, this study categorized FDOT projects built between 2006 and 2015 into groups according to current contract amounts. Both absolute and relative metrics were defined and employed. For comparison purposes, a collective analysis on all gathered data was performed. Additionally, the influence of outliers on the results was examined. The results showed that analyses based on individual cost categories are more convincing because large projects tend to impose stronger influence on the analyses. In addition, outliers must be identified and screened to reach realistic and reliable conclusions. With regard to the actual performance of the contracting methods, each performs differently within different cost categories.

Keywords alternative contracting methods      time      cost      performance evaluation     
Corresponding Author(s): Abdol CHINI   
Just Accepted Date: 15 March 2018   Online First Date: 12 April 2018    Issue Date: 28 June 2018
 Cite this article:   
Yuanxin ZHANG,Abdol CHINI,R. Edward MINCHIN Jr., et al. Performance of seven highway construction contracting methods analyzed by project size[J]. Front. Eng, 2018, 5(2): 240-250.
Categories DBB D-B (Minor) D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B NEB Total
Original Number of Projects 1654 147 86 728 73 21 12 2721
Removed by Type 157 - - 125 - - - 282
Removed as Data set Outlier 2 - - 1 - - - 3
Final Total Analyzed 1495 147 86 602 73 21 12 2436
Tab.1  Final distribution of all projects by contracting methods
Cost Category DBB D-B (Minor) D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B NEB
<1 Million 609 89 15 357 16 0 0
$1 Million- $5 Million 658 42 27 205 36 6 5
$5Million- $10 Million 135 10 10 31 13 3 4
$10 Million- $20 Million 63 3 12 8 5 6 2
>$20 Million 30 3 22 1 3 6 1
Total 1495 147 86 602 73 21 12
Tab.2  Distribution of projects by cost categories
Contracting Method $20 to $30 M $30 to $40 M $40 to $50 M $50 to $60 M $60 to $70 M $70 to $80 M $80 to $90 M $90 to $100 M $100 to $125 M Total
DBB 16 7 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 30
D-B (Minor) 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
D-B (Major)* 10 6 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 21
LS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
I/D 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
A+ B 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6
NEB 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Tab.3  Distribution of projects over $20 million
Contracting Methods DBB D-B (Minor) D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B NEB
Total Number of Projects 1495 147 86 602 73 21 12
PCD -1.97% -1.64% -1.39% -2.46% -10.42% -9.12% -11.04%
ADS 5 5 6 3 35 44 50
PCC 0.03% -0.54% 1.69% -0.98% 2.46% 4.54% 1.37%
ACS -$855 $11,936 -$135,470 $14,485 -$151,948 -$679,947 -$120,764
Tab.4  Collective time and cost savings analysis of all contracting methods
Contracting Methods DBB D-B (Minor)* D-B (Major) LS* I/D+ A+ B NEB*
Total Number of Projects 30 3 22 1 3 6 1
PCD -3.00% -0.20% -3.00% -0.30% -7.00% -5.20% -21.30%
ADS 28.7 2 27.3 2 88.7 43.7 250
PCC 3.70% 1.40% 2.60% -8.30% 3.80% 3.40% 2.60%
ACS -$1,317,046 -$436,072 -$1,469,581 $2,079,629 -$2,278,408 -$1,035,405 -$660,372
Tab.5  Time and cost savings analysis for projects over $20 million
Contracting Methods DBB D-B (Minor)* D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B NEB*
Total Number of Projects** 63 3 12 8 5 6 2
PCD -0.20% 3.80% -0.50% -4.40% -14.70% -17.10% -1.30%
ADS 1.4 -28.3 3.9 19.6 95 97.8 10
PCC 1.40% -1.20% 1.50% -0.70% 5.50% 4.50% -0.60%
ACS -$178,909 $136,399 -$209,815 $98,085 -$774,658 -$709,287 $89,565
Tab.6  Time and cost savings analysis for projects between $10 and $20 million
Contracting Methods DBB D-B (Minor) D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B* NEB*
Total Number of Projects 135 11 10 31 13 3 4
PCD -1.90% 1.60% 0.30% -2.10% -11.80% -10.20% -3.50%
ADS 8.3 -9.8 -2 5.4 55.4 23.3 12.3
PCC -0.60% -2.00% -0.60% 0.10% 2.90% 14.90% 4.00%
ACS $41,317 $126,084 $42,873 -$6,744 -$203,315 -$1,168,445 -$315,778
Tab.7  Time and cost savings analysis for projects between $5 and $10 million
Contracting Methods DBB D-B (Minor) D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B NEB
Total Number of Projects 658 45 27 205 36 6 5
PCD -2.20% -0.60% 2.80% -2.20% -8.30% -0.20% -21.30%
ADS 6 2.2 -11 4.2 21.8 0.3 55.2
PCC -1.90% -0.50% -1.30% -0.20% -1.80% 2.20% -1.70%
ACS $45,641 $9,831 $30,102 $3,871 $49,865 -$50,900 $59,037
Tab.8  Time and cost savings analysis for projects between $1 and $5 million
Contracting Methods DBB D-B (Minor) D-B (Major) LS I/D A+ B NEB
Total Number of Projects 609 85 15 357 16 0 0
PCD -2.10% -5.20% -6.50% -2.60% -15.20% - -
ADS 3 9.8 16.7 2.4 21.4 - -
PCC -4.90% -2.60% -3.90% -4.30% -4.40% - -
ACS $22,816 $9,698 $19,197 $14,765 $29,018 - -
Tab.9  Time and cost savings analysis for projects under $1 million
Contracting Methods With Outliers 3 standard deviations 2 standard deviations
Total Number of projects PCD ADS PCC ADS Total projects after removing outliers PCD ADS PCC ACS Total projects after removing outliers PCD ADS PCC ACS
>$20 million
D-B Major 22 -3.03% 27.3 2.64% $(1,469,581) 21 -3.15% 28.6 2.39% $(1,347,184) 19 -1.87% 16.8 1.07% $ (403,785)
DBB 30 -3.00% 28.7 3.65% $(1,317,046) 29 -2.03% 19.3 3.64% $(1,296,898) 26 -2.15% 20.2 3.14% $(1,057,038)
$10- $20 million
DBB 64 -0.97% 6.6 -0.07% $9,142 63 -0.21% 1.4 1.35% $ (178,909) 62 -1.11% 7.5 1.39% $ (184,231)
$5 to $10 million
LS 31 -2.06% 5.4 0.10% $ (6,744) 29 -1.47% 3.9 -0.53% $34,786 29 -1.47% 3.9 -0.53% $34,786
DBB 136 -2.34% 10.4 -1.14% $78,719 134 -1.46% 6.5 -0.03% $2,416 132 -1.40% 6.3 -0.24% $16,364
$1- $5 million
D-B Minor 45 -0.56% 2.2 -0.47% $ 9,831 43 -0.69% 2.7 -0.55% $ 11,544 39 -0.09% 0.4 -0.95% $19,773
D-B Major 27 2.78% -11.0 -1.28% $30,102 26 1.49% -6.0 -1.19% $27,976 21 -1.06% 4.3 -1.49% $35,341
DBB 658 -2.21% 6.0 -1.86% $45,641 633 -1.93% 5.2 -1.44% $35,326 607 -1.45% 3.9 -1.21% $ 29,647
LS 206 -2.54% 4.7 -0.84% $17,973 203 -2.71% 5.0 -0.11% $2,432 196 -2.76% 5.2 -0.28% $5,894
I/D 36 -8.31% 21.8 -1.81% $ 49,865 35 -8.36% 22.3 -2.37% $ 66,196 31 -10.94% 28.3 -1.94% $55,265
D-B Minor 85 -5.20% 9.8 -2.60% $9,698 82 -4.06% 7.74 -2.35% $8,827 76 -2.56% 4.99 -2.41% $9,238
D-B Major 15 -6.50% 16.7 -3.90% $19,197 15 -6.52% 16.73 -3.94% $ 19,196 14 -3.48% 8.79 -3.68% $ 18,248
DBB 609 -2.10% 3 -4.90% $22,816 599 -2.27% 3.22 -4.95% $ 23,177 556 -1.69% 2.43 -5.09% $ 24,001
LS 357 -2.60% 2.4 -4.30% $14,765 349 -2.77% 2.58 -4.28% $ 14,898 315 -2.10% 1.97 -4.39% $ 15,401
I/D 16 -15.20% 21.4 -4.40% $29,018 16 -15.18% 21.44 -4.36% $ 29,018 14 -14.45% 21.36 -5.27% $ 35,083
Tab.10  Summary of analysis results before and after excluding outliers
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