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Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

ISSN 2095-2201

ISSN 2095-221X(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 3.883

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (3) : 31
Brain-inspired multimodal approach for effluent quality prediction using wastewater surface images and water quality data
Junchen Li1,2, Sijie Lin2,3, Liang Zhang4,5, Yuheng Liu4,5, Yongzhen Peng4,5(), Qing Hu2,3()
1. School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
2. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
3. Engineering Innovation Center of SUSTech (Beijing), Southern University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China
4. Faculty of Environment and Life, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
5. Engineering Research Center of Intelligence Perception and Autonomous Control, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100124, China
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● A novel brain-inspired network accurately predicts sewage effluent quality.

● Sewage-surface images are utilized in data analysis by the model.

● The developed method outperforms traditional ones by reducing error by 23%.

● The model offers the potential for cost-effective monitoring.

Efficiently predicting effluent quality through data-driven analysis presents a significant advancement for consistent wastewater treatment operations. In this study, we aimed to develop an integrated method for predicting effluent COD and NH3 levels. We employed a 200 L pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to gather multimodal data from urban sewage over 40 d. Then we collected data on critical parameters like COD, DO, pH, NH3, EC, ORP, SS, and water temperature, alongside wastewater surface images, resulting in a data set of approximately 40246 points. Then we proposed a brain-inspired image and temporal fusion model integrated with a CNN-LSTM network (BITF-CL) using this data. This innovative model synergized sewage imagery with water quality data, enhancing prediction accuracy. As a result, the BITF-CL model reduced prediction error by over 23% compared to traditional methods and still performed comparably to conventional techniques even without using DO and SS sensor data. Consequently, this research presents a cost-effective and precise prediction system for sewage treatment, demonstrating the potential of brain-inspired models.

Keywords Wastewater treatment system      Water quality prediction      Data driven analysis      Brain-inspired model      Multimodal data      Attention mechanism     
Corresponding Author(s): Yongzhen Peng,Qing Hu   
About author: Peng Lei and Charity Ngina Mwangi contributed equally to this work.
Issue Date: 07 November 2023
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Junchen Li,Sijie Lin,Liang Zhang, et al. Brain-inspired multimodal approach for effluent quality prediction using wastewater surface images and water quality data[J]. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2024, 18(3): 31.
Fig.1  Schematic of the (a) experimental platform and (b) platform structure.
Fig.2  Image feature extraction process.
Fig.3  Image and time series feature fusion based on self-attention.
Fig.4  Model architecture of BITF-CL.
Model 1BITF-CL20.750.180.950.300.040.97
Model 2CNN-LSTM26.940.210.910.520.050.92
Model 3LSTM29.690.250.870.560.060.89
Tab.1  Performance comparison among different models (1-min)
Model 1BITF-CL24.400.210.910.350.050.93
Model 2CNN-LSTM32.120.230.860.610.070.89
Model 3LSTM35.410.270.810.670.100.86
Tab.2  Performance comparison among different models (1-h)
Fig.5  Comparison of NH3 and COD predictions and actual values for 1-min and 1-h intervals. (a) NH3 and (b) COD prediction for 1-min; (c) NH3 and (d) COD prediction for 1-h.
Fig.6  Predictive performance for NH3 and COD levels using different sensor configurations. (a) RMSE, (b) MAPE, and (c) R2 for NH3; (d) RMSE, (e) MAPE, and (f) R2 for COD.
Fig.7  Comparison of predicted and actual values of NH3 and COD concentration after aeration velocity reduction. Predicted vs actual (a) NH3 and (b) COD values; Error curve for (c) NH3 and (d) COD values.
Fig.8  Scatter plot of predicted and actual values of NH3 and COD concentration. NH3 prediction for (a) CALL, (b) CNS, and (c) CNDS; COD prediction for (d) CALL, (e) CNS, and (f) CNDS.
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