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Frontiers of Mathematics in China

ISSN 1673-3452

ISSN 1673-3576(Online)

CN 11-5739/O1

Postal Subscription Code 80-964

2018 Impact Factor: 0.565

Front. Math. China    2019, Vol. 14 Issue (5) : 1063-1075
Spectral analysis of generalized Volterra equation
Junyi ZHU1, Xinxin MA1, Zhijun QIAO2()
1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
2. School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX 78539, USA
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A generalized Volterra lattice with a nonzero boundary condition is considered by virtue of the inverse scattering transform. The two-sheeted Riemann surface associated with the boundary problem is transformed into the Riemann sphere by introducing a suitable variable transformation. The associated spectral properties of the lattice in single-valued variable was discussed. The constraint condition about the nonzero boundary condition and the scattering data is found.

Keywords Volterra lattice      nonzero boundary condition      inverse scattering transform     
Corresponding Author(s): Zhijun QIAO   
Issue Date: 22 November 2019
 Cite this article:   
Junyi ZHU,Xinxin MA,Zhijun QIAO. Spectral analysis of generalized Volterra equation[J]. Front. Math. China, 2019, 14(5): 1063-1075.
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