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Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN 2095-0233

ISSN 2095-0241(Online)

CN 11-5984/TH

Postal Subscription Code 80-975

2018 Impact Factor: 0.989

Front Mech Eng    0, Vol. Issue () : 13-22
A low cost wearable optical-based goniometer for human joint monitoring
Chee Kian LIM(), Zhiqiang LUO, I-Ming CHEN, Song Huat YEO
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
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Widely used in the fields of physical and occupational therapy, goniometers are indispensible when it comes to angular measurement of the human joint. In both fields, there is a need to measure the range of motion associated with various joints and muscle groups. For example, a goniometer may be used to help determine the current status of the range of motion in bend the arm at the elbow, bending the knee, or bending at the waist. The device can help to establish the range of motion at the beginning of the treatment series, and also allow the therapist to monitor progress during subsequent sessions. Most commonly found are the mechanical goniometers which are inexpensive but bulky. As the parts are mechanically linked, accuracy and resolution are largely limited. On the other hand, electronic and optical fiber-based goniometers promise better performance over its mechanical counterpart but due to higher cost and setup requirements does not make it an attractive proposition as well. In this paper, we present a reliable and non-intrusive design of an optical-based goniometer for human joint measurement. This device will allow continuous and long-term monitoring of human joint motion in everyday setting. The proposed device was benchmarked against mechanical goniometer and optical based motion capture system to validate its performance. From the empirical results, it has been proven that this design can be use as a robust and effective wearable joint monitoring device.

Keywords optical      goniometer      human-joint measurement     
Corresponding Author(s): LIM Chee Kian,   
Issue Date: 05 March 2011
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Chee Kian LIM,Zhiqiang LUO,I-Ming CHEN, et al. A low cost wearable optical-based goniometer for human joint monitoring[J]. Front Mech Eng, 0, (): 13-22.
Fig.1  Optical mice illuminate an area of the work surface with an LED, to reveal a microscopic pattern of highlights and shadows (Courtesy of Avago)
Fig.2  Optical mouse sensor component ADNS-3530 (Courtesy of Avago)
Fig.3  Supination and Pronation of the Elbow
Fig.4  Proposed sensing system setup for human elbow joint measurement
Fig.5  Optical-based goniometer prototype
Fig.6  Optical sensor design
Fig.7  Arduino Diecimila and interface board
Joint iθαda
Tab.1  D-H parameters
Fig.8  Denavit-Hartenberg coordinate system for human arm
Fig.9  Graphical user interface of proposed system
Fig.10  Setup for PowerCube test
Fig.11  Arrangement of strip and sensor on PowerCube
Fig.12  Strip distance traveled on PowerCube
Angle settingRun1Run2Run3Run4AvgAngle compute
Tab.2  Linearity test of optical sensor
Fig.13  Mayo Elbow Brace/Optical Goniometer/OptiTrack experimental setup
Mayo elbow brace (MO)Optical goniometer (OG)Difference (MO-OG)OptiTrack (OT)difference (MO-OT)Difference (OG-OT)
Tab.3  Tabulated experimental results
Fig.14  Comparison of measured angles between the three systems
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