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Front. Phys.    2024, Vol. 19 Issue (5) : 54203
Atom-field dynamics in curved spacetime
Syed Masood A. S. Bukhari(), Li-Gang Wang()
School of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Some aspects of atom-field interactions in curved spacetime are reviewed. Of great interest are quantum radiative and entanglement processes arising out of Rindler and black hole spacetimes, which involve the role of Hawking−Unruh and dynamical Casimir effects. Most of the discussion surrounds the radiative part of interactions. For this, we specifically reassess the conventional understandings of atomic radiative transitions and energy level shifts in curved spacetime. We also briefly outline the status quo of entanglement dynamics study in curved spacetime, and highlight literature related to some novel insights, like entanglement harvesting. On one hand, the study of the role played by spacetime curvature in quantum radiative and informational phenomena has implications for fundamental physics, notably the gravity-quantum interface. In particular, one examines the viability of the Equivalence Principle, which is at the heart of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. On the other hand, it can be instructive for manipulating quantum information and light propagation in arbitrary geometries. Some issues related to nonthermal effects of acceleration are also discussed.

Keywords atom-field interactions      general relativity      Minkowski and curved spacetime      quantum field theory in curved spacetime      light−matter interactions      spontaneous excitations     
Corresponding Author(s): Syed Masood A. S. Bukhari,Li-Gang Wang   
Issue Date: 22 May 2024
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Syed Masood A. S. Bukhari,Li-Gang Wang. Atom-field dynamics in curved spacetime[J]. Front. Phys. , 2024, 19(5): 54203.
Fig.1  Lightcone showing different regions of spacetime. Shaded region pertains to accelerated observer.
Fig.2  Rindler motion. Reproduced from Ref. [62].
Fig.3  Contributions of vacuum fluctuations (blue solid line) and radiation reaction (red dashed line) for an entangled accelerated two-atom system for the variation of a, where α =a e aξ. The chosen parameters include ω=5,μ=1, μ1= μ2=μ3=1 and Rindler coordinates ξ1= ξ2=0 in natural units (Menezes et al. [136]).
Fig.4  Enhancement of atomic energy shift D due to acceleration. Reproduced from Ref. [146].
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