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Quantitative Biology

ISSN 2095-4689

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Quant. Biol.    2022, Vol. 10 Issue (2) : 139-149
Physics-informed machine learning for the COVID-19 pandemic: Adherence to social distancing and short-term predictions for eight countries
Georgios D. Barmparis(), Giorgos P. Tsironis()
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Department of Physics, University of Crete, Heraklion 71003, Greece
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Background: The analysis of COVID-19 infection data through the eye of Physics-inspired Artificial Intelligence leads to a clearer understanding of the infection dynamics and assists in predicting future evolution. The spreading of the pandemic during the first half of 2020 was curtailed to a larger or lesser extent through social distancing measures imposed by most countries. In the context of the standard Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model, changes in social distancing enter through time-dependent infection rates.

Methods: In this work we use machine learning and the infection dynamical equations of SIR to extract from the infection data the degree of social distancing and, through it, assess the effectiveness of the imposed measures.

Results: Quantitative machine learning analysis is applied to eight countries with infection data from the first viral wave. We find as two extremes Greece and USA where the measures were successful and unsuccessful, respectively, in limiting spreading. This physics-based neural network approach is employed to the second wave of the infection, and by training the network with the new data, we extract the time-dependent infection rate and make short-term predictions with a week-long or even longer horizon. This algorithmic approach is applied to all eight countries with good short-term results. The data for Greece is analyzed in more detail from August to December 2020.

Conclusions: The model captures the essential spreading dynamics and gives useful projections for the spreading, both in the short-term but also for a more intermediate horizon, based on specific social distancing measures that are extracted directly from the data.

Keywords COVID-19      physics-informed machine learning      SIR      time-dependent infection rate      short-term predictions     
Corresponding Author(s): Georgios D. Barmparis,Giorgos P. Tsironis   
Online First Date: 03 March 2022    Issue Date: 07 July 2022
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Georgios D. Barmparis,Giorgos P. Tsironis. Physics-informed machine learning for the COVID-19 pandemic: Adherence to social distancing and short-term predictions for eight countries[J]. Quant. Biol., 2022, 10(2): 139-149.
Fig.1  A Graphical summary of the methods and results of this work.
Country Total cases Error(%) α ( t ) + 10%(% Difference) α ( t ) ? 10%(% Difference) R 2
Reported Predicted
USA 1961185 1945830 ?0.8 1793214 (?7.8) 2063029 (6.0) 0.944
Italy 240961 275667 14.4 259349 (?5.9) 284978 (3.4) 0.863
Spain 245938 280859 14.2 249833 (?11.1) 298190 (6.2) 0.791
UK 286141 312211 9.1 217528 (?30.3) 382591 (22.5) 0.872
Germany 186839 215563 9.5 182532 (?15.3) 233021 (8.1) 0.776
The Netherlands 50412 55040 9.2 52524 (?4.6) 56583 (2.8) 0.837
France 149668 163580 9.3 117539 (?28.2) 187154 (14.4) 0.702
Greece 2967 3014 1.6 2794 (?7.3) 3155 (4.7) 0.540
Tab.1  Left: Total number of reported cases during the “first wave” for each country and the corresponding predicted cases and percentage error obtained from our model, including the predictions with ± 10% variation of α(t). Right: A bar plot of the slope ?σ of each country signifying the degree of adherence to measures. The higher the bar, the more reduced is the transmission rate due to the control measures.
Fig.2  Country level predicted infections, I(t), for the extracted α(t) of each country
Fig.3  We use data of the second phase of COVID-19 spreading except for the last week, we train the network and predict the evolution during the last week. The percentage error in the total number of predicted cases of each country found to be ?1.75% for the US, ?35.4% for ES, ?16.7% for DE, 18.6% for IT, 4.5% for NL, ?14.2% for the UK, 31.6% for FR and 10.5% for GR
Fig.4  Left: PINN-ML model applied to Greece infection data (green filled circles) for a period of approximately four months. The predictions are weekly (open orange circles) or longer term (dashed lines). The trend of the infection is generally captured by the predictions. The imposition of the lockdown changes dramatically the dynamics of α(t) and this is reflected immediately in the short-term predictions. The intermediate term predictions demonstrate clearly the effectiveness of the lockdown and predict the observed show decay of the spreading. The dates on the graphs inform on the date the intermediate prediction was evaluated. Right: Weekly total reported and predicted cases, and the relative error (negative values mean underestimated prediction by the model, positive values, overestimated prediction by the model)
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