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Soil Ecology Letters

ISSN 2662-2289

ISSN 2662-2297(Online)

Soil Ecology Letters    2024, Vol. 6 Issue (1) : 230193
Impact of metal polluted sewage water on soil nematode assemblages in agricultural settings of Aligarh, India
Mohammed F.S.A. Ghanem, Shahid Afzal, Humira Nesar, Zarrin Imran, Wasim Ahmad()
Nematode Biodiversity Research Lab, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
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● Sewage water in agriculture threatens human health and soil ecosystems through metal pollution.

● Nematodes show promise as bioindicators of soil health due to their abundance and position in soil food webs.

● Metal-polluted water decreased abundance of certain nematode groups and Sigma Maturity Index.

● Metal pollution positively affected nematode groups with r-selected life cycles.

Sewage water has been inappropriately used in agriculture, posing possible threats to human health and the soil ecosystems by its constituent pollutants, especially heavy metals. Correct evaluation of its influences on soil biomes needs to consider the response of soil fauna. Among soil organisms, nematodes are seen as the best promising candidates for bioindicators of soil health. Here in, we collected soil samples from fresh water irrigated field from three sites (S1, S2 and S3) and sewage water irrigated distance gradient (5 m−40 m), to assess the influence of metal (Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Pb) polluted water on various characteristics of nematode communities. The results indicated that the heavy metals decreased the abundance of C-p3 nematodes, herbivores, and predatory nematodes as well as sigma maturity index, whereas, C-p1, C-p2, bacterivore and fungivore nematodes abundance and diversity positively responded to the metal pollution. Generally, nematode genera with r-selected life cycle were positively affected and those with K-selected life cycle were negatively affected by metal pollution. Overall nematode community has potential to be used as indicator of pollution stress in agricultural soils to check soil health and sustainability.

Keywords heavy metals      sewage irrigation      agriculture      nematodes      bioindicators     
Corresponding Author(s): Wasim Ahmad   
About author:

Peng Lei and Charity Ngina Mwangi contributed equally to this work.

Issue Date: 10 December 2023
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Mohammed F.S.A. Ghanem,Shahid Afzal,Humira Nesar, et al. Impact of metal polluted sewage water on soil nematode assemblages in agricultural settings of Aligarh, India[J]. Soil Ecology Letters, 2024, 6(1): 230193.
Soil propertiesS1S2S35 m10 m15 m20 m25 m30 m35 m40 mF-valueP-value
SM (%)57.33±1a54.33±5.5a57.66±2a55±0.00a55±0.0a55.66±1.41a57±0.0a55±0.0a55±0.0a57.66±3a55±0.0a0.7000.715
EC (μs cm?1)0.92±0.07a0.76±0.02a0.94±0.15a0.30±0.00b0.42±0.0b0.32±0.01b0.41±0.0b0.30±0.0b0.39±0.0b0.31±0.00b0.30±0.0b2.3000.050
Soil nutrients (mg kg?1)
Metals (mg kg?1)
Tab.1  Various soil parameters and total heavy metal content at fresh water irrigated locations and sewage water irrigated field along a distance gradient. Data is mean±SE (n=5).
Fig.1  Total abundances of nematodes (A), C-p1 abundance (B), C-p2 abundance (C), C-p3 abundance (D), C-p4 abundance (E), and C-p5 abundance (F). Different letters indicate significant pairwise differences between means indicated by ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey HSD test (P < 0.05).
S1S2S35 m10 m15 m20 m25 m30 m35 m40 mF-valueP-value
Functional indices
Total nematode biomass
Diversity indices
Trophic abundances
Tab.2  Various parameters of soil nematode community under fresh water irrigated locations and sewage water irrigated field along a distance gradient. Data is mean±SE. (n=5).
S1S2S35 m10 m15 m20 m25 m30 m35 m40 m
5 m0.9250.9250.518?0.2590.7030.3700.7400.8880.6290.592
10 m0.9250.8880.6290.259?0.111?0.2220.4810.7030.2960.740
15 m110.8880.7030.111??0.3700.25910.7401
20 m110.8510.370?0.2220.370??0.1110.7400.6661
25 m110.8880.7400.4810.259?0.111?111
30 m10.9630.7030.8880.70310.7401??0.2960
35 m0.96310.8140.6290.2960.7400.6661?0.296??0.296
40 m0.88810.5180.5920.7401110?0.296?
Tab.3  Pairwise comparisons of nematode community composition (ANOISM) between reference sites and distance gradient under sewage water irrigation.
Fig.2  Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) of the nematode genera composition (based on Bray-Curtis similarities of square-root transformed relative abundances of nematode genera) in fresh water irrigated sites soils (S1, S2 and S3) and Sewage water irrigated distance gradient (5 m?40 m) in agricultural soil. S1: Filled square; S2: Blank square; S3: Filled circle; 5 m: Cross; 10 m: Blank diamond; 15 m: Star; 20 m: Blank triangle; 25 m: Filled triangle; 30 m: Filled diamond; 35 m: Blank inverted triangle; 40 m: Filled inverted triangle.
Fig.3  Sigma maturity index of the nematode community. Different letters indicate significant pairwise differences between means indicated by ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey HSD test (P < 0.05).
Fig.4  Principal Component analysis of the abiotic variables and nematodes variables from fresh water irrigation sites (S1?S3) and sewage water irrigated distance gradient soils (5 m?40 m). For the abbreviations of abiotic variables and nematodes variable, see Table 1. The first and second axis showed a variability of 40.03% and 15.96% respectively.
Fig.5  Correlation matrix between the abiotic variables and nematode variables (TNA: Total nematode abundance; C-p1?C-p5: nematode abundances). For the abbreviations of abiotic variables, see Table 1.
Fig.6  Principal component analysis of the abiotic variables and nematodes genera abundances from fresh water irrigation sites (S1?S3) and sewage water irrigated distance gradient soils (5 m?40 m). For the abbreviations of abiotic variables, see Table 1, and nematodes genera, see Table S2. The first and second axis showed a variability of 26.6% and 9.5% respectively.
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